Educational Office of Mandailing Natal Government Run National Science Competition in the Middle of Pandemic

Head of Educational Office of Mandailing Natal with the winner of KSN and OSN Competion in Mandailing Natal

Mandailing Natal – Educational Official Office of Mandailing Natal District give prize to the winner of National Science Competition (Kompetisi Sains Nasional/KSN) and National Science Olympyad (Olympiade Sains Nasional/OSN) for elementary and secondary school in Mandailing Natal District, tuesday (15/12) in Hall of State Secondary School I of Panyabungan.

According to, member of group, there are Head of Education Official Office of Mandailing Natal, Gong Matua Nasution, Chairman for student and characther building section, Ade Elvia Nora, teritorial coordinator of Mandailing Natal Educational office, and Heads of Schools in ceremony

The first winner of KSN in mathematics at elementary school is Jihad Sirear from Elementary School 307 Sikumbu, the second winner is Muthi Zain Prayogi from Elementary School 116, the third winner is Putri Hanisah from Elementary School 073 Jambur Padang Matinggi.

Meanwhile, the first winner of OSN for Social science at Elementary school is M. Farhan Rmb Nasution from Elementary school 081 Panyabungan, the second winner is Andrean Riski Pratama from Elementary school 193 Kotanopan. Meanwhile, the third winner is Septian Pramananda from Elementary school 243 Alahankae.

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The first winner for KSN in mathematics for Secondary school is Ulil Hidayah from State Secondary School I Tambangan. The second winner is Reza Putra Sahbana from State Secondary School I Batang natal and the third winner is Wardah Azizah from State Secondary School 4 Kotanapan.

The first winner of OSN for Social studies at Secondary school is Refa Maulana from State Secondary School I Sinunukan and the second winner is Halimah Nasution from State Secondary School I Panyabungan. Meanwhild the third winner is Susi Olivia Silitongan from State Secondary School I Siabu.

The last, the first winner of KSP from Science is Bunga Lestari from State Secondary School 2 Natal and the second place is Nur Azzahra from State Secondary School I Siabu. Meanwhile the third winner is Bima Sakti Prayoga from State Secondary School 5 Natal.

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Gong Matua Nasution express that KSN and OSN for elementary and secondary school could be run in the middle of pandemic.

“In corona pandemic, studying implemented by online but in the middle of pandemic, educational official office could run national science competition by online too” Gong Matua expressed

National Level of Exam Question

Gong explained that exam for KSN at secondary school level is directly form National Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia directly.

“Despite our students are the winner for District level but they have tested nationally because exam question at KSN is from national level” Gong said

Gong feel proud because students could be winners at KSN in the middle of pandemic.

“Our students could show theirs achievements in District in the middle of pandemic. We have to appreciate this and to students have get achievements yet, we hope to patient” Gong hope

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Mandailing Natal official office will give souvenirs to outstanding students “As the main driver to be more enthusiastic in following same competionts in province and national level”

Head of Elementary Education, Andriasyah Siregar, through Ade Elvia Nora, Section head of students and characther development, explain that KSN form Secondary school is run by online. Exam question came from National Education and Culture Official Office. Meanwhile, competition for Elementary school implemented by face to face

“For committee and question preparation is came from Central of National Achievement of National Education and Culture Ministry of Republic Indonesia. Relating to the winner of KSN is also defined by Head of National Education directly” Ade said