Life Lessons to Learn: Pandemic era Inner Scream

2020 is over soon. But the drama and inner screams of that year because of the pandemic will continue to be a memory.

What is Life Lessons To Learn, what lessons can we take from the various screams of the pandemic era We recorded 8 major issues of the pandemic in 8 short films, starring top artists / actors.

Christine Hakim, Reza Rahadian, Ine Febriyanti, Ruth Marini, Lukman Sardi, Marini, Ray Sahetapy, Agus Kuncoro.

This is a series of films that record various dramas. Starting from the story of the collapse of tens of thousands of businesses, the death of more than a hundred doctors, the congregation who quarantined at the mosque, the minister asked to resign by activists, to the experience of releasing loved ones in the health protocol system.

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the 8 actual stories got fixed in 8 Cerpen Esai Denny JA.

To accompany the end of the year, the 8 series of films can watched by clicking the YouTube link below.



The Doctor Reached the Top of the Mountain

The doctor felt that the top of the mountain was a death in the line of duty, helping coronavirus patients

Starring: Reza Rahadian



The collapse of our village

What power. As a community leader, even though he died because of the coronavirus, they kissed his Jasad, bathed by residents. As a result, we isolated one village.

Starring Lukman Sardi



My Brother Is Quarantined At The Mosque

He is a member of Jamaah Tabliq. Getting around even in the corona’s era virus., they were quarantined in a mosque.

Starring Ruth Marini



Keris, the heirloom of traveling traders

It destroyed tens of thousands of small and medium enterprises. Lid. The only heirloom keris he has.

Starring: Ine Febriyanti



Reported the Mayor: There are people starving to death

Near the capital Jakarta, a resident has died. Rumors grew, he died of starvation. The pandemic gave birth to an economic crisis.

Starring: Christine Hakim



I also went to Wuhan

The world has never declined and changed like this since the global economic crisis in 1930. Wuhan, in China, was the beginning of everything.

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As a writer, he went to Wuhan. His life changed.

Starring: Marini



Lebaran Online

For the first time, perhaps in history, the vocabulary appears: Lebaran Online. This happened after residents to be buried there rejected his friend’s body.

Starring: Ray Sahetapy



The Activist Asked the Minister to Resign

The activist felt that his wife was just plain sick. But mismanagement at the referral hospital, crowded in the isolation room, made his wife exposed to the corona virus there.

He also wants to sue the minister of health. However, a quote from Jalaludin Rumi made him choose another path.

Starring: Agus Kuncoro


Anang Fadhilah