The Google Era: When Religion Shift from Absolute Truth to All-Owned Cultural Property

  • 11 New and Old Facts

by: Denny JA

Google Era Civilization. Fourth Industrial Revolution Civilization. All will attain the tastiest fruit, the more the shift in consciousness occurs.

The shift in consciousness from “My religion is the only absolute truth” to “Religion or No Religion is the cultural wealth that belongs to us together. Come on, respect. Come enjoy. “

The world will be more harmonious. Culture is getting richer. Diversity is supported by collective awareness.

The eleven facts below are at work. These eleven facts, new, very new, and old, will become iron laws that further shift that consciousness.

I summarize 11 facts. In the next essay, each of the 11 facts will be further explored.

In the google era, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, a lot of in-depth research was done. Many things are measured and indexed. We can construct many rankings.

We can measure the level of diversity in many countries through public opinion surveys. Level of corruption in many countries can also be compiled based on expert judgment.

We can index the level of happiness of citizens, level of individual intelligence can be ranked.

regarding the world of religion, when the various indexes, measurements, and rankings were cross-tested, it stunned us.

Aha! Wow! How come ?!


Here are eleven facts and findings from the Google era that will change the way we understand religion.

First, in a country with a high happiness index (World Happiness Index), the level of religion in the community is low. (1)

The countries that are most able to make their citizens happy, as measured by the World Happiness Index, the population in that country thinks that religion is no longer important in their lives (measured by the religiosity index).

second, in a country with a high level of religion (Religiosity Index), the government is corrupt (2).

Many countries where over 90 percent of the population say religion is very important in their life. In that country, the level of corruption in the government is also very high (measured by the Corruption Perception Index).

Third, in countries with high human development (Human Development Index), the religious level of the people is low (3)

The Human Development Index (HDI) measures the progress of a country with various dimensions ranging from welfare, health to education. That’s an important thing to build humans.

In the Top 10 countries with the highest HDI, people tend not to consider religion to be important in their lives.

Fourth, communities with high levels of diversity have less average intelligence (Cognitive Test Measurement) than communities with lower levels of diversity (4)

Read More:  Why Are The Top 10 Happest Countries, The Majority of Its Citizens No Longer Consider Religion Important?

The University of Rochester, measured the relationship between IQ levels and religion. They applied the findings to world territories.

Meanwhile, below are also facts that are accessible in the Google era.

Fifth, the two biggest religions: Islam and Christianity, believe in two contradictory facts. It is impossible for these two facts to be true. One must be wrong.

The wider public watched. Even false facts can be believed by more than one billion people, and more than 1000 years.

Christians believe in the fact that Jesus (Prophet Isa) died on the cross. Islam believes in the opposite fact: Jesus (Prophet Isa) did not die on the cross.

Christians believe that the Prophet Abraham will sacrifice is Isaac. Islam believes that the Prophet Abraham will sacrifice is Ismail (5)

From the case of two facts it is impossible

both are true. If Prophet Isa (Jesus) died on the cross, it is impossible for the fact that Prophet Jesus did not die on the cross. Vice versa.

If the fact that “Abraham would be sacrificed was Ishmael,” it is impossible for the fact that “Isaac would be sacrificed” to be true. Vice versa.

There must be something wrong between the two beliefs. After all, the wrong facts can be believed by so many humans. So long.

This is the reality of religion. In fact, this occurs in one of the two largest religions above.

Sixth, archaeologists, anthropologists, and scientists have found many facts. According to their findings, some of these prophets were not historical figures: Moses, Noah, Adam.

Archaeologists have also discovered how the story of the Prophet resembles a folk tale from an era of civilization older than the age of the scriptures.

These findings also change the way we understand the past in the era of narrated scriptures.

The story of the Prophet Musa, for example. That, when the baby was thrown into the river, his body was accommodated in a basket, then found in another country by royal officials. Then he grew up in the palace. Then he returned to his native land, became the leader.

The story of the Prophet Musa above is exactly the same as the story of King Sargon of Summeriah / Mesopotamia, whose document is older than the Bible. (6)

Seven, the public policies of the top 10 most prosperous, happiest, most human developing countries, no longer refer to scripture.

Laws drawn up in parliament. Science findings in the laboratory. business development in the modern world. Political decisions of policy makers. All taken with increasingly no reference to scripture. (7)

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Eight. Now live 4300 religions. different. Civilization witnessed the struggle of fanatics to claim various absolute truths that were not identical. (8)

It is an afterthought to see how the difference occurs on issues and issues that cannot be falsified. There is no objective handle for knowing which is correct.

Nine, after the founder of the religion did not exist, (the recipient of the revelation as believed by its adherents) died, what remained was the difference in interpretation of the experts. (9)

Priests, scholars, monks have different understandings and opinions ranging from essential to technical matters.

In Islam, for example, the question of who was the successor of the Prophet Muhammad as the leader of the community? Should the successors be descendants of the Prophet or the chosen leader?

This difference even occurs among the first generation of Muslims. There are even different attitudes among those who know the Prophet.

This difference has divided Islam into Sunnis versus Shia. Until now, the division continues to live.

Even in technical matters, when Eid started, Muhammadiyah and NU had different methods. The result, when Eid occurs, is also often different.

The same thing happened to other religions.

Ten, the celebration of religious holidays, such as Christmas, has also begun to be celebrated by followers of other religions. For them, Christmas is a cultural event that is serene enough to be celebrated even though they do not believe in Christianity (10)

The Pew Research Center noted how many adherents of other religions, also non-religious, in the United States were not only present. They also host Christmas celebrations.

Eleven, human rights respect freedom of religion or of no religion. Whatever the interpretation and belief about God, religion, and truth, it is left up to individual choice.

This belief is protected as long as there is no coercion and violence against other parties.

Today those who do not believe in any religion are the third largest segment in the world, after Christians and Muslims. (11)


The author deliberately provides a link to the library sources for the eleven facts above. This is also the fruit of the Google era. Research results that were previously exclusively enjoyed by a handful of academics can now be accessed, read and pondered by the wider public.

We are entering a whole new civilization.

The disruption of fundamental change has not only occurred in technology, with the arrival of the Internet of Everythings. Editable DNA. Animal and human organs can be cloned, photocopied.

Change doesn’t just happen in the business world. The online market is slowly destroying traditional retail.

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Change only occurs in the media world. Major print newspapers closed and changed online. Gradually various traditional TV networks also went bankrupt. All will be present on the mobile.

It’s not only politics that has changed. There are so many problems that cannot be solved by just one national country, but it must be a regional, even global cooperation.

It’s like an environmental issue. Internet. The nuclear race. And the pandemic issue. All must be global.

Now the world of religion has changed.

Of course there is a living awareness that believes that “only my religion is original from the Lord of the Universe. Only my interpretation, which is the only absolute truth. “

That religious attitude is still present. The belief pattern is still respected to continue.

But more and more people enjoy religion more as a cultural property belonging to all human beings. They are more relaxed and even enjoy enjoying the holidays of various religions.

Times do change. The era of seeing religion (and not having religion) as a cultural property belonging to us all has come. Therefore, together we respect. Together we enjoy. *

January 2021

This essay introduces Denny JA’s book (2021): Changes in understanding religion in the era of Google 11 New and Old Facts

1. The happiness index has been measured and used by the United Nations

This essay tries to connect the level of happiness with the level of religion

2. The religious index has also been compiled through a Gallup Poll survey

The Corruption Perception Index which measures the level of corruption has also been formulated

3. The Human Development Index has also been implemented

4. The correlation between intelligence and religion was also researched

5. Islam and Christianity believe in facts that are both true: Jesus (Prophet Isa) died on the cross versus not on the cross.

Regarding the sacrifice, Isaac or Ishmael: /

6. Many archaeological findings have concluded that the Prophet Musa was not a historical figure. He is a character created for moral teaching.

7. Modern state public policies no longer depend on scripture

8. Now there are 4300 religions. So many claims of truth are different from one another

9. Ulama, pastors, monks interpret religions differently

10. Christmas is now celebrated by non-Christians

11. The number of those without a religion is number three in the world

Writing source: Facebook DennyJA_World