Why do Vaccines Need to be Campaigned and Why Those Are Anti Vaccine in The Pandemi Era Become the No 1 Public Enemy?

by: Denny JA

What is the greatest discovery in history?

By reading the data, I will not hesitate to say. The greatest discovery in history that saved the most lives and health of humanity was the Vaccine. Vaccines, more than any other scientific discovery in history, has saved the most people from death, disability, blindness, and the failure of babies to live healthy lives. Look at smallpox.

In the 20th century, this disease has killed about 300-500 million people. (1) The number who die from smallpox is greater than in all world wars, plus victims of terrorism, plus natural disasters in the modern era. 20-50 percent who get smallpox will die. Those who survive will experience disabilities and blindness. Vaccines make smallpox no longer harmful to humans. So many diseases can now be tamed because of the vaccine era. Besides smallpox, are polio, tetanus, flu, hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, measles, mumps, and chickenpox. Now has arrived.

The vaccine tamed corona Virus 19. But why does vaccination against COVID-19 still need to be campaigned? Why in the pandemic era, those who campaign the opposite, who call on the public not to be vaccinated, become public enemy no 1? Why are those who campaign against vaccines even more dangerous than terrorists? The answer is the law of Herd Immunity. Community Immunity.


Vaccination against a pandemic is only effective if we create community immunity. Herd Immunity. Only in that condition, life can return to normal. Humans are again free to move anywhere, meet face to face, shake hands, hug. Possibility to transmit disease to each other; the possibility that the disease will return to a pandemic; they will disappear only when community immunity is created. in 1923. A.W.


Hedrich published his research on measles in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. He observed the symptoms there. After many children were treated for measles, and made immune, the number who got the disease dropped. Hedrich also elaborated. What is the relationship between the increasing number of population vaccinated and the decreasing number of disease transmission?

After enough ingredients. He also concluded. There are social laws at work. If the number of vaccinated population exceeds a certain percentage of the total population, then the danger of a disease is very minimal. That incident Hedrich also came up with the idea of ​​a mass vaccine. The idea was first implemented in the 1960s. I could call this the first systematic mass vaccine in history

(2). Mass vaccines aimed at eliminating the danger scale of a disease. That’s the social origin of the birth of the law of community immunity (Herd Immunity). The rule of thumb for community immunity is about 70 percent of the population.

I have vaccinated if 70 percent of the population against a certain disease; the disease is no longer dangerous. We can even consider it a disappearance as a seriously contagious disease. But Dr. Anthony Stephens Fauci has a different percentage for COVID-19. He is a health expert who is now respected. Fauci has been Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Fauci stated that community immunity to COVID-19 occurs if 80-90 percent of the population has been vaccinated

(3). Before that percentage is reached, transmitting the COVID-19 virus to one another is still on an unsafe scale. Lies the problem of why the COVID-19 vaccine campaign is needed. Including in Indonesia.

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Surveys show that in various European countries, the percentage of the population that will be vaccinated is not high.

(4) In Italy, 40 percent of the population says they are unwilling to be vaccinated.Spain, even 50 percent are not willing to be vaccinated. In France, 54 percent expressed skepticism about vaccines.Germany, and the UK, which states that they will be vaccinated below 70 percent. In the United States, 63 percent will be vaccinated. In Indonesia, 2 out of 3 respondents (below 70 percent), will be vaccinated.

(5). All these data show the same thing. Those who will be vaccinated are still below the percentage required for Herd Immunity (community immunity). Because of the importance of community immunity, what if the COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory, made mandatory? Those who don’t want to be vaccinated will be punished? Even the WHO did not choose the vaccine route as mandatory. Based on experience, making vaccines an obligation creates a rebellious spirit. We will oppose more.

(6) The remaining strategy is none other than the plus campaign. We expect influencers to help raise community awareness. Coupled with incentives and disincentives, the facilities and difficulties given to those who are willing and resistant to vaccines.


The anti-vaccination campaign is also contagious. Various reasons put forward by those who refuse vaccines. Starting from worrying about side effects, not seeing the virus as a danger, not feeling the vaccine is effective, to religious reasons. There are always politicians, influential figures, and influencers who make public statements against vaccines, let alone campaigning not to be vaccinated. They became an obstacle to the formation of Herd Immunity.

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In the pandemic era, let alone proven that this pandemic has claimed many human lives, damaged the economy, made the world poorer, took so much freedom, impeded many social activities, isn’t the anti-vaccine campaign an extraordinary crime? It can be said.

Those who campaign for the anti-vaccine in the pandemic era, are public enemy

1. They are more dangerous than the terrorists. * Jan 2021 NOTE 1. The number who died from smallpox was greater than the number of victims of all world wars put together and added to the victims of terrorism Smallpox – Wikipedia

2. Social origin of mass vaccines and herd immunity “Evolution of measles elimination strategies in the United States”

3. Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci stated that Herd immunity for Covid 19 is formed when 80-90 percent of the population has been vaccinated https://www.google.co.id/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/health/herd-immunity-covid-coronavirus.amp.html

4. The population of several European countries that are willing to be vaccinated is still below 70 percent, let alone 90 percent. newseu.cgtn.com ›news› Stud … Web resultsStudies suggest European reluctance to take COVID …

5. The Indonesian population willing to be vaccinated is still below 70 percent, let alone below 90 percent. https://www.google.co.id/amp/s/amp.kompas.com/sains/read/2020/11/19/180300723/survei-vaksin-covid-19-mayoritas-penduduk-indonesia-badilah- vaccinated

6. WHO does not want to make Covid 19 vaccination mandatory because it can create more resistance to vaccination www.thejakartapost.com ›newsWeb resultsWHO against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines …

Writing source: Facebook DennyJA_World https://www.facebook.com/322283467867809/posts/3555239674572156/?d=n