March 15th is Anti-Islamophobia Day

JakartaCar free day on March 10 2024 was recently used as an opportunity by women who are members of Aspiration Indonesia, a forum for mothers who are persistent in fighting for the Mandate of Suffering of the Indonesian people.


Indonesian Aspiration, led by a great woman named Usahawati, has been fighting for the designation of March 15 as an anti-Islamophobia day as a national holiday since two years ago, which continues to be fought for by mothers who are members of the Indonesian Aspiration forum, based on the resolution of the UN world body GA/ 12408 March 15, 2022.

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Usahawati, who is known by her special name “Usahawati Kartika Soleha”, continues to try to encourage the Government to immediately declare March 15 as a National holiday, as an anti-Islamophobia day.


Usahawati Kartika Soleha – special nickname (Red), when contacted on car free day last Sunday, said, “that Islam is not terrorist, not radical and also Islam is not intolerant, all accusations of negative stigma against Islam must no longer exist, since the resolution “The UN has designated March 15 2022 as the Anti-Islamophobia Day,” said Usahawati, a person who always appears strong and cheerful.

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Hundreds of people attended the long march, from the southern end of the car free day boundary, to the horse statue at the entrance to Monas, the general public who were exercising on the car free day, were very enthusiastic in their sympathy, so they immediately joined the long march line, and took part in the reading and statement of attitude. Indonesian Aspiration, which was read by Usahawati and Jatiningsih, represented the mothers of Indonesian Aspiration.

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After reading the statement of attitude, the Aspiration mothers immediately started doing Maumere exercises until the car free day event was over.


Suddenly, national figures were present and sympathized with the Aspiration Mothers’ Long March Car Free Day event, such as Egi Sujana (Famous Lawyer), and many others.


Many people say that Usahawati Kartika Soleha, who led the long march, is the Indonesian Women’s Revolutionary Leader, who is very persistent in fighting for the honor and dignity of Muslims in Indonesia.

