SMSI DKI Jakarta Period 2020-2025 Established, Initial Meeting Discussing About Synergy and Data Collection

Jakarta – The management of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (Serikat Media Siber Indonesia – SMSI) of the DKI Jakarta for the period 2020-2025 is formed. This is in accordance with the decree number: 039/KPTS/SMSI-Pusat/XXI/2020 concerning the Approval of the DKI Jakarta Province SMSI Management on December 8, 2020.

The management of this second period is joined by several cyber media managers (online) chaired by Jumaedi Ahcmad A.
In his inaugural meeting, Abi, the nickname of the Head of SMSI DKI Jakarta, said that the management will scheduling strategic steps such as establishing communication with several networks in government and private institutions.

“In the near future, we will establish friendly communication with the government, private sector, and TNI/Polri. This is necessary so that synergy is built,” Abi said in a meeting at the SMSI Central secretariat office, Veteran area, Central Jakarta, Thursday (17/12).

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He hopes that the presence of SMSI DKI Jakarta can build the same vision, namely providing accurate information without hoaxes to the public.
“Of course our role (SMSI) must also educate the public by presenting constructive and accurate news,” he said.

Secretary of SMSI DKI Jakarta, Iqbal Irsyad also added, SMSI through the field of data collection and verification will curb the data collection of members of SMSI DKI Jakarta, especially online media that are legal entities in accordance with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.

“We will also begin to tidy up the administration of the DKI Jakarta Province SMSI membership. There are approximately hundreds of cyber media operating in the DKI Jakarta area,” he added.
Cyber media that are members of the SMSI of DKI Jakarta Province are not limited to certain types. Starting from political, legal, automotive and even entertainment portals, you can join the SMSI of DKI Jakarta Province with the main condition that media is an Indonesian legal entity.

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The agenda for the first meeting of the SMSI for DKI Jakarta was also used as a gathering place, introducing each other between the administrators who took shelter in different cyber media.
“Our presence during this pandemic, of course, follows health protocols,” Abi explained.

The Indonesian Cyber Media Union or SMSI was inaugurated on March 7 2017 in Banten. One of the goals of establishing SMSI is to create a cyber media industry ecosystem that is healthy, independent and with dignity.


Following is the composition of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI)
DKI Jakarta Service Period 2020 – 2025

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Chairman: Jumaedi Ahcmad A (
Deputy Chair: Nandi Nanti (
Head of Organization: Ary Julianta Trijaka (
Head of Data Collection and
Verification: Radi Iswan (
Chairman of the Cooperation and
Relations Between Institutions: Sampe Hermanto (
Head of Advocacy
And Arbitration: Ical Syamsudin (

Secretary: Iqbal Irsyad (
Deputy Secretary: Moch. Ridhwan (
Deputy Secretary: Hurri Rauf (
Treasurer: Badar (
Deputy Treasurer: Wawan Setiawan (

Organization Section: Ahadin Sibarani (
Data Collection and Verification Section: Ahmad Toha Almansyur (
Cooperation and Relations Section
Between Institutions: Pahala (
Public Relations Section: Teddy Kurniawan (
Digital Business Development Section: Solihin (
Legal Aid Institute and
Ombudsmen: Ibrahim Rizky M, SH
Donny Sichari, SH