West Papua Covid Taskforce : Education Taskforce Must be Really Ready to Offline Education

Arnold - Speaker of West Papua Taskforce for Covid-19

Manokwari – West Papua Taskforce for education ough to realy ready to prepare him self in applied face to face education in the next January of 2021. Speaker of West Papua Covid-19 taskforce, dr. Arnoldus Tiniap, said in Friay (11/120

“At this time, national Covid-19 transmission is realy worrying including us in West Papua. We have to realy prepare our self in implementing face to face education” Arnold said

According to Arnold, Indonesia Doctor Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia/IDI) did not recommend for opening education acitivity because there are a potention in soaring cases that it possible in December.

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“There are many momentums in December. At that time, soaring case of Covid-19 is possible happen. For example,we dealt with democration and in the next time we deal with christmas celebration and mass leave” Arnold explained

Parents and school commitee have to involved in decision making process if school want to opened. In addition, infrastructure of health protocol have to realy ready. “Because if samething happen to our children, parents will sad and busy. Parents will sad if child sick because of Covid-19” Arnold added

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Arnold consider that not all student level able to implemented health protocol nicely. This situation ough to be a consideration both for education offiial office and school.

“Elementary students will be very difficult to implement health protocol and secondary student too. We can organize them in the class but not out of class. They do not have consciousness about the danger of Covid-19” Arnold said

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In accordance to Covid-19 tranmission map, all West Papua have same vulnerability. New case is possible to find.

“If face to face education have to run, student not to school together at once. Have to organize, prepared shift and they can take turn to school” Arnold added