33 Sport Types Will be Compete in Aceh Sport Week Competition

Teuku Rayua Sukma - Head of Selection Committee for Aceh Sport Week Competition (foto ; siberindo)

Banda Aceh – There are 33 type of sport will compete in Aceh Sport Week XIV/2022 in Pidie will be defined and legalize and member meeting year of Aceh Sport National Committee  Those type of sport will be compete in Aceh four year multy event sports based on selection committee

Head of selection committee for Aceh Sport Week Competition, Teuku Rayuan Sukma, said to press, Thursday (12/12). Teuku Rayuan Sukma said that all sport type will defined and legalize at annual member meeting of Aceh Sport National Commitee at Banda Aceh, 15th December of 2020

“Our team, consist of six members made selection and verificatin to 33 sport type that will be compete for Aceh Sport Week Compotition in 2022. Those type of sports will be brought to annual member meeting of Aceh National Sports Committee and at that meeting those name of sport type will announce, set and legalize” Rayuan said as Deputy Chairman III of Aceh Sport National Committee, to pos-aceh.com, member of siberindo.co group

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Explained that 29 sport type took from 33 sport type selection and from 29 sport type there are two sport type will be eliminated and the rest is 27 sport type and added ny 6 new sport type. “That is why there will be 33 sport type that will be verified” Rayuan said.

All sport type refer to sport type that compete in National Sport Week Competition in Aceh – North Sumatra at 2024.

Rayuan said that after defined and legalize at annual member meeting year, each of sport type will follow pre-qulification of Aceh National Sport Week Competition in 2021.

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Explained that all selection process and verification are run in three days, 9th-11st of December 2020. Selection process covering provincial board activity, networking in 12 board of Regent and Municipality, athlete deployment and coaching activity in each Regent or Municipality

Rayuan said that sport type that not compete in Aceh Sport Week Competition is enable to run Province competition