Flood in East Aceh

Eeast Aceh Disaster Taskforce

East Aceh – Heavy rain around East Aceh caused flood and landslide, Friday (4/12)

According data received by acehonline.co, as part of siberindo.co group, from Agency for Regional Disaster Management (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah/BPBD) of East Aceh Regent, there were 14 sub-district in East Aceh sorrounded by flood with 1 metre high.

Those subdistricts are ; Nurussalam sub-district, Ranto Peureulak sub-district, Peureulak sub-district, Birem Bayeun sub-district, Sungai Raya sub-district, Peureulak Barat sub-district, Indra Makmu sub-district, East Peureulak sub-district, Julok sub-district, Peudawa sub-district, Darul Aman sub-district, Idi Tunong sub-district, Birem Bayeun sub-district, Peunarun sub-district, and Banda Alam sub-district.

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Meanwhile, the worst flood disaster is in East Peureulak because heavy rain covered 10 villages and those are Alue Lhok, Jeungki, Alue Tho, Alue Bu Alue Nireh, Seuneubok Teupin, Seuneubok Teungoh, Seuneubok Punti, Babah Krueng, Seuneubok Rawang and Seuneubok Lapang.

Flood not only swamped thousand houses in East Aceh but also swamped school facilities such as elementary school in Darul Aman, secondary school in Ranto Peureulak and Islamic School building in Banda Alam.

Flood also cut off transportation infrastructure among villages as happened in Gampong Lhok Dalam with Paya Meuligoe of Peureulak sub-district

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“Village road connection cut off because water tunnel is collapsed” Head of Peureulak sub-district, Nasri, said

Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency of East Aceh, Ashadi, said that he is continue to monitor the development of flood disaster in all sub-distrcit either east teritory, west and inland.

“Our taskforce had in location from the morning (yesterday morning – red). We are ready to send speedboat when citizen have to evacuate” Ashari explained

Ashari explained that his office is in compoling of damaging public facilities caused by flood. However, flood tend to rise along with heavy rain at inland and eastcoast.

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“We hope that people who their houses flooded have to look after safer place. God willing heavy rain will stop and people acitivities begin to normal” Ashadi said

According to Ashadi, disaster taskforce have been deployed in three places. First team to east to evacuate people who sorrounded by flood in East Peureulak and Sungai Raya.

“Second team was in Ranta Peureulak and third team on the way to Julok and Indra Makmu” Ahadi added