Interfaith Prayer for Peace Regional Election and Free Covid-19

Interfaith Prayer for Regional Election and Free Covid-19

Medan – Interfaith prayer for peace regional election and free from Covid-19 transmission held in Hall of North Sumatra Governor Official Home, Jendral Sudirman Street No. 14 Medan, Friay (4/12) was in tranquil and lead by religious prominent leader alternately as been cite by group

Six religious prominent leaders lead prayer are Arifinsyah from Islam, AP Tambunan Priest from Christian-Protestant, P Alexander Silaen from Christian-Catholic, Bhku Ditya Jaya from Budha, Matha Riswan from Hindu and Linggouw from Khonghucu. Also, there were same official figures of North Sumatra and one of them is Sjafruddin, Head of Nation Unity and Politic Office of North Sumatra.

Each of religious prominent figure lead prayer to ask simultaneous regional election in 9th of December 2020 could run peace, succes and appointed a good leader. Prominent religious leader also pray form Covid-19 pandemic to end and people life recovered soon.

Edy Rahmayadi, North Sumatra Governor,  unable to attend to lead interfaith prayer because have to monitor flood in same teritories at Meda and Deli Serdang. Interfaith prayer lead by Maratuan Simanjuntak, Head of Religous Harmony Forum of North Sumatra.

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Maratua Simanjutak hoped that this event would help General Election Commision and Covid-19 taskforce in completting their duties to execute regional election and prevent people from Covid-19 transmission.

“Along with prayer from six prominent religious leaders, we hope that Covid-19 pandemic and flood disaster could end soon. To people who halt activities for five minutes as suggested by North Sumatra Governor, we said thanks you” Maratua said

This interfaith prayer have been followed simultaneusly by citizen in all Regents and Municipilities in North Sumatra. People ough to halt activities for 5 minutes for praying together in order to ask peace and succes of simultaneous regional election and free Covid-19 transmission.

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Praying together by cross religioun prominent figures broadcast at once at official account of North Sumatra public relation office namely youtube, faceboo, instagram. Before praying together, there were pledge of National Army and Indonesia Police to work together in order to succeed simultaneous regional election  in North Sumatra