Get to Know More in Sustainable Clothing

The fashion industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Not only has it opened up many jobs and high economic value, the fashion industry is also a contributor to non-oil and gas foreign exchange from its exports.

For lifestyles and trends, the fashion industry also generates massive waste and is one of the largest contributors to waste in the world. Throughout 2019, according to Fashion Industry Waste Statistic &, the fashion industry contributed 20% of world waste water and 10% of world carbon emissions. Is there a solution to this problem?

Based on this concern, Dian Sastrowardoyo Foundation (YDS) and Magnifique Indonesia held a fourth webinar on Friday, November 20, 2020 with the theme “Getting to Know More in Sustainable Fashion” aimed at students and the fashion-loving community and related industry players as participants.

Chitra Subyakto, founder and creative director of Sepanjang Mata Memandang, acted as presenters, and art worker Dian Sastrowardoyo hosted the Webinars. This time, the M-Class is also supported by Samsung through the Galaxy Note 20 smartphone product.

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This webinar was attended by 202 participants from various regions in Indonesia, and like the previous M-Class implementation, the Webinar organizer also provided internet quota subsidies and transportation help to some participants who needed it, students and communities in Eastern Indonesia who were struggling and access to distance learning events such as this Webinar.

“I am thrilled to take part in this webinar because I got valuable knowledge about being a responsible part of the fashion industry. We also showed Terfo woven fabrics, which are made from natural, natural fibers and are friendly. “ said Periskila Ambani, chairperson of the Terfo Sarmi Weaving Community – Papua.

“I have learned many new things from this Webinar, about our daily lifestyle, the use of clothes and fashion that have a big impact on the environment.” said Dian Sastrowardoyo, art worker and moderator of M-Class, “By inviting fellow students and the community to join this event, we also share important information and educate consumers to be more aware of environmental impacts because of our choices and lifestyle.”

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Meanwhile, Chitra Subyakto from As far as the Eyes of the View (SMM) added, “SMM is a message of our love for Indonesia and the earth. We try to be more responsible for the environment, empower the community and elevate the wealth of Indonesian literature and package it into everyday life.

Using recycled materials and the use of materials from unused textile factories, known as dead stock, is one way to prevent us from adding to waste. We are happy to be involved in webinars like this because it is very important for the wider community to understand and be aware of the current destruction of nature and to take an active role in caring for the earth where we live. “

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M-Class is an initiative program from Magnifique and Dian Sastrowardoyo Foundation to contribute to spreading knowledge through online learning. The M-Class is conducted every month by presenting competent speakers on different topics.

In addition to free webinars, M-Class also provides internet quota for participants who have limited access and funds so that they are not burdened with participating in the event. “We hope that more collaborators will work together with us, both in terms of teaching, community provision and as sponsors,” he said. Arifaldi Dasril, Managing Partner of Magnifique.

For further information on how to participate in the M-Class, please contact

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