The Poorest Candidate From West Sumatra Election

Jakarta – Corruption Eradication Commision (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi/KPK) reveal the reachest and the poorest candidate based on State Apparatues Wealth Report (Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelengara Negara/LHKPN) in simultenous regional election at 9th of December 2020.

“We compiled the richest 10 and we do not have any intention just to show that they report with Rp 674 miliar and we confused that the poorest are with minus Rp 3.5 miliar”  Pahala Nainggolan, Prevention Deputy of Corruption Eradication Commision, said in Press Confrence at KPK building, Jakarta, Friday (4/12)

The 10 poorest published by commision are four from West Sumatra. Thee four from West Sumatra are, Deputy Regent Candate of Sijunjung, Indra Gunalan with wealth minus Rp 3.550 million, Regent candidate of Padang Pariaman, Tri Suryadi, with wealth minus Rp 999 million, Deputy Regent Candidate of Pesisir Selatan, Hamdanus, with wealth minys Rp 295 million, Regent candidate of Lima Puluh Kota, Ferizal Ridwan with wealth minus Rp 121 million.

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There were not the richest tenth candidate from West Sumatra election as revealed by Corruption commision