Papua General Election Commision Publish List of Temporary List Voters

Meeting of Papua

Jayapura – Number of Temporary List Voters (DPS/Daftar Pemilih Sementara) for 11 district election in Papua Province is 1.068.590. That number is a recapitulation result which have been gave to 11 Papua General Election Commision (KPU/Komisi Pemilihan Umum) from 11 of KPU Districts in Papua Province

“DPS have been finishend by 11 Districts of KPU with total number 1.068.590 voters” Diana Sembiak, one of Papua KPU Commisioner, in his release, Thursday (17/9)

Diana detailing every DPS district and are; Waropen 38.348 voters, Boven Digoel 31.395 voters, Asmat 88.244 voters, Supiori 16.791 voters, Membrano Raya 25.075 voters, Yalimo 89.438 voters, Merauke 130.244 voters, Nabire 184.820 voters, Keerom 53.868 voters, Bintang 104.196 voters and Yahukimo 306.171 voters.

Diana reminded that DPS is not final data as KPU regulation (PKPU) number 19/2019 in clause 17 A said that KPU could make public examination helped by sub-district voters committee (PPK) and and committee  (PPS) and invite interested groups to ask input and respons before determined by KPU as List of Final Voters in next October

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“We will run public examination in 19-28 September for Regional election in 11 districts of Papua. Hoping that we could receive suggestion from people, campaign team or liasson officer” Diana said

DPS that have been determined have to announce in KPU offices, Village offices to be known by people especially voters in 11 district at Papua Province

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Diana hope that people who want to choose in every district which run simutananeous election 2020 will came to village office proactively to ensure his name is in the temporary list

“People could do direct check wether his name listed in DPS or not. If it is not, he/she could deliver to organizer in village town or PPS” Diana added