Yan Imbab-Niko Ronsumbre Leading in Supiori Election

Yan Imbab and Nichodemus Ronsimbre - Regent and Vice Regent Candidate for Supiori District

Biak – Yan Imbab and Nichodemus Ronsumbre lead in gaining voters temporary at regional election for Regent and Vice Regent of Supiori Province of Papua Province

According to temporal data released by General Election Commission of Republic Indonesia (KPU-RI), Saturday (12/12) in 04:37:14 am, Yan Imbab and Nichodemus Ronsumbre is leading from another candidates with 1.942 voters

Voters from candidate with IMANI tagline gained from South Supiori District, 256 voters, and 1.686 voters from East Supiori District.

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The second place is Ruth Naomi Rumkabu-Piet an Karel Pariaribo, with 1.495 voters and Ronny Sylvado Gustaf Mamoribo-Albeth Rumbekwan in the third place with 1.105 voters. Meanwhil, Obeth Rumabar-Daud Imanuel Olaf Marison is in the fourth place with 928 voters and Jakobus Kawer-Salomo Rumbekwan in the last place with 280 voters

KPU’s data is not change untill Sunday moring. There are only two districts, from five districts, who report the result of regional election. Meanwhile Supiori consist of five districtcs, South Supiori, North Supiori, East Supior, Aruri Island and West Supiori.

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Before, art coalition team of IMANI claimed that Yan Imbab and Nichodemus Ronsumbre is the winner of Supiori election with the highest number voters, 4.72 voters, or 31% from all inputed data, 13.508 voters, from 16.841 at final list voters

Yan Imbab revealed that simultenous election in Supiori District is run smoothly and Supiori citizen choosed their leader and IMANI is leading based on quick count held by his team.

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“So, based on our quick count, we are leading with 4.172 voters or 31% and followed by others candidate” Yan Imbab said in IMANI secretariat at Supiori, Thursday (10/12)

Yan Imbab continued that according to the existing voter percentage, his team is very optimistic to win Supiori election because there were big difference number voters with others candidate and it is difficult to pursued