West Sumatra : Election Without Rulling Party Candidate

Having received official support letter from Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle to run in Governor election of West Sumatra province, Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni decided to return back the letter.

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is the rulling party. The winner of last Indonesia legislative election in 2019 with 19.33% voters. PDI-P also succeed in Indonesia Presidential election in 2019 to make his cadre, Joko Widodo, as President of Indonesia for the second terms

In other side, Mulyadi not only a member of House of Representative for three periodes from West Sumatra, but also Chief of West Sumatra Board of Democrat Party. Ali Mukhni is a senior beuracrat. He was regent of Padang Pariaman district for two periods after finishing his duty as deputy regent in same district. In addition, Ali Mukhni is a previous Chief West Sumatra Board of National Mandate Party.

According to their press release, Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni said that they received lot of objection from West Sumatra’s prominent figures. Clerics and public figures of West Sumatra felt humiliated by Puan Maharani’s statement which said that she hope West Sumatra people support Indonesia as a Pancasila state.

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Pancasila is National principle of Republic Indonesa and Puan Maharani is Speaker of House of Representative and one of PDI-P’s head. She is daughter of Megawati Soekarno Putri, Chairman of PDI-P. When PDI-P. When Puan gave official support letter for Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni, she said “Hoping West Sumatra to be a province that support Pancasila state”

Puan Maharani’s statement triggerred controversy among Indonesia people especially West Sumatra citizen. Puan regarded lack of Indonesia history because most of Indonesia founding father’s who formulate Pancasila as state principle are prominent figures from West Sumatra. Muhammad Hatta for exaple. He is West Sumatra native who accompanied Soekarno, first Indonesia Presiden and Puan’s grandfather, in declaration of Indonesia independency.

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West Sumatra’s people believed that Puan’s statemen is a dissappoinment because his Party never get satisfaction result in West Sumatri in every election. In 1999, PDI-P was the winner of election but only got 2 parliament house members. In 2004 and 2009, PDI-P did not get representative member from West Sumatra. In 2014 PDI-P was the winner legislative and presidential election but only get one member of parliament and lost in his presidential election. Meanwhile in 2019, PDI-P was the winner of Presidential and Legislative election but did not get member of House of Representative from West Sumatra constituency

Political experts believed that Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni have taken a strategic decision by returning PDI-P official letter support. PDI-P did not have sufficien power in West Sumatra. In addition, Puan’s statement will incriminate Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni in getting public trust. Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni decision is a political step to maintain public support.

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Meanwhile West Sumatra Provincial board of PDI-P said that he dissapointed for the way Mulyadi and Ali Mukhni decision. Chairman of Provincial board, Alex Indra Lukman, said“Ali Mukhni is my big brother. It was unethical talking through social media and to press without talking to us directly”. West Sumatra Board of PDI-P’s decided not following Governor election in West Sumatra.

In Jakarta, Hasto Kristiyanto as General Secretary of PDI-P cynically said in his press release that from the beginning he guessed Mulyadi is not a strong figure to be a leader. He returned official support letter from PDI-P and unsteady in idiology dialectic (6/9)

Hasto defended Puan’s statement. Hasto admitted that lot of nation heroes came from West Sumatra. That is why Puan’s statement is a hope for West Sumatra’s citizen to be better in  following their nation’s heroes