Mahfud MD: Democracy is Important Claiming Responsibilities Not Just a Right

By: Retno Intani ZA,

Head of the Education Sector of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union

        Our democracy is the choice of the founders of this country. Government is responsible for the common good. This was stated by Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister  for  Political, Legal and Security Affairs of Indonesia when giving a speech at the launch of the book  “Demokrasi  Sebagai Tanggung Jawab : Menjaga Demokrasi Indonesia dari Keterpurukan (Democracy as Responsibility: Safeguarding Indonesian Democracy from Deterioration)”.


The book was written by Dr Muhammad AS Hikam, former Minister of Research and Technology (1999-2001) during the reign of the fourth Indonesian President KH Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur).


The book was launched on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 in the Seminar room floor 1, Widya Graha Building, BRIN, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.


Mahfud MD explained, the state in choosing democracy is a conscious choice. As many as 62 members of Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI), the Investigative Body for the Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence, debated on the form of government of a kingdom or republic with the center of government in the hands of the people.


The royal party proposed the form of a kingdom, while Bung Karno wanted a republic so that the people could participate and take responsibility. In the end, 55 BPUPKI members voted for the republic, 6 for the kingdom and 1 abstained.

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Mahfud MD agrees with the author’s explanation on page 161 that power always attracts lust. Power is like fire. In order not to burn, there must be a political mechanism.


Three bases for organizing political mechanisms. First, power must be limited in scope and time. Second, quoting Abraham Lincoln’s thought, democracy must come from and for the people as the core source and goal of democracy. Third, must comply with the rules. Democracy is important and demands responsibility, not just rights, so there is a moral responsibility.

Apart from presenting the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, the book launch also presented discussants Prof. Syamsuddin Haris, a senior researcher at LIPI/National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) who was appointed as the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK); Prof. Dr. Ali Humaidi, M.Hum, Head of Research Center for Village Social Welfare and BRIN Connectivity; and Dr. Mohammad Sobary, a humanist who is usually called Kang Sobary.

Prof. Syamsuddin Haris sees parties as political institutions not carrying out regeneration. Those used by the party are cadres who have money. Dedicated cadres who do not have enough money will have difficulties to run for election. Even if nominated, she or he tends to fail.

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Meanwhile, Prof. Ali Humaidi is optimistic that the village can become a deliberative democracy as conceptualized by Jurgen Habermas. There is participation as a deliberative indicator of democratization. But in reality, villages are politicized and capitalized.


Dr. Mohammad Sobary reminded us to appreciate democracy by first appreciating the nation’s traditions and local wisdom. Sobary sees that the book does not separate science and art. The story is told in poetic prose. There are 13 poems in Chapter 6 which tell about a series of political events that occurred in the period 2017-2021.


This 526 page thick book is indeed interesting. Contains a mosaic of observations of social dynamics through the eyes of an AS Hikam who apart from being the Minister of State for Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (1991-2001) was also Head of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) for the 1999-2001 period, member of the Indonesian Parliament (2004-2007) and Chairman of the Strategic Analysis Council (DAS), State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for the 2013-2015 period.


According to Hikam, the book “Demokrasi  Sebagai Tanggung Jawab : Menjaga Demokrasi Indonesia dari Keterpurukan (Democracy as Responsibility: Safeguarding Indonesian Democracy from Deterioration)” is a light note for the 2016 -2022 period written from a phenomenological perspective which reveals that reality is not the same as an object because experience will color it.

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Social, political, economic and other are dynamics not sufficiently explained as objects but interpreted as dynamic social phenomena that will not be completed yet. Hikam tends to focus more on observing the relations and interrelationships of the state and civil society. Indonesian democracy is in between hope and reality.


Prof. Dr. M. Syafi’i Anwar, who moderated the discussion said that this book is a critical and reflective note on the developments and dynamics of everyday political life written in a language style that is easy to read and easily understood by the wider community.


The publication of the book “Demokrasi  Sebagai Tanggung Jawab : Menjaga Demokrasi Indonesia dari Keterpurukan (Democracy as Responsibility: Safeguarding Indonesian Democracy from Deterioration)” was organized by the Research Center for Village Social Welfare and Connectivity of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in collaboration with publisher Raja Grafindo Persada.


The book launch event was closed with 2 poem reading entitled Bukan Kali Ini Saja (Not Only This Time) and Pertarungan Antara Tikus dengan Cicak (The Fight Between Rats and Lizards) written by Muhammad AS Hikam from 13 poems contained in Chapter VI of the book launched. Poetry read beautifully by the artist Sastro Al Ngatawi. (*)