Indonesia Encourages the UN Security Council to Advance in the Security Sector Governance and Reform in Peacebuilding Process

Jakarta– “The situation is more complex for countries emerging from conflicts, as their security institutions are often weak and lack the capacities to address emerging challenges including those posed by COVID-19 pandemic” said Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mahendra Siregar, at the UN Security Council High Level Meeting on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace: Security Sector Governance and Reform held virtually on Thursday, 3 December 2020.

The meeting was chaired by the Foreign Minister of South Africa, Dr. Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor, MP as the President of the UN Security Council in December 2020 and was attended by all members of the UN Security Council. The meeting presented a panel of briefers, including Assistant Secretary General (ASG) for Africa (Bintou Keita), ASG for Rule of Law and Security Institution (Alexander Zouev), and African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security (Smail Chergui), who discussed the UN Secretary General’s report.

Delivering the national statement, Vice Minister Siregar underlined three main points to achieve a more effective, professional and accountable governance of security institutions in responding to the immediate security challenges and preventing the recurrence of conflict.

First, the Vice Minister underlined that security sector reform must address specific national needs and contexts. “A nationally-led, owned and inclusive process is key to the long-term success of security sector reform,” stressed Deputy Foreign Minister Siregar while also also encourages the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including civil society and women.

The second point emphasized by the Vice Minister was the need for the UN to increase its role in supporting security sector reform in conflict-affected countries. “To implement the mandate effectively, peacekeeping missions and special political missions must be provided with adequate resources and capacities,” said Vice Minister Siregar. Indonesia also emphasizes the importance of strengthening the synergy between the UN Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), particularly at the transition phase.

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“Partnership with all relevant stakeholders is key to the success of security sector reform,” said Vice Minister Siregar as his third point. In this regard, the UN system must strengthen partnerships with regional organizations and international financial institutions. Vice Minister Siregar also shared Indonesia’s success in reforming its security sector as part of a larger political reform and democratization in the early 2000s.

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The Vice Minister also stated that successful security sector reform requires national ownership and strong support by the international community as well global responsibility for the benefit of all. Indonesia remains committed to be a true partner to support peacebuilding and sustaining peace through security sector reform,” said Vice Minister Siregar closing his speech.

This high-level open debate is one of the signature events for the presidency of South Africa at the UN Security Council. The meeting was attended by several high-ranking officials of the UN Security Council’s member states, including Belgium, Tunisia, Estonia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Germany. During the meeting, the Council also adopted a resolution on Security Sector Governance and Reform.

Anang Fadhilah