IMI South Kalimantan Wins Third Best Award at IMI Awards 2024

Jakarta– The Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) has won the prestigious award as the third best nationally at the 2024 IMI Awards held at the H Club SCBD Jakarta on Monday night, December 9, 2024. The first and second best provincial IMI were won by IMI West Java and East Java.

This award was received directly by Ir. H. Edy Sudarmadi, the General Chairperson of IMI South Kalimantan who also leads the automotive organization in South Kalimantan. This achievement is the first to be achieved by IMI South Kalimantan since the organization was founded, especially during Edy Sudarmadi’s leadership.

The award ceremony was opened by Mr. Bambang Soesatyo, the General Chairperson of IMI who also delivered a speech about the importance of collaboration between regional administrators to advance national automotive sports. In his speech, Bambang Soesatyo emphasized that this award is not only a form of recognition, but also a motivator for all IMI administrators throughout Indonesia to continue to commit to improving the quality and achievements of automotive sports in the country.

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This award was given to IMI South Kalimantan because of its good and healthy organizational management. This is one of the reasons why this award is worthy of being given. With this achievement, it is hoped that it can motivate all IMI South Kalimantan administrators to continue to give their best in developing automotive sports in their regions.

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With this award, IMI South Kalimantan proves that their dedication and commitment in managing the organization and advancing automotive sports are not only recognized locally, but also nationally.

IMI South Kalimantan in 2023 also received the best IMI award at the Kalimantan Island region level. The assessment to obtain the IMI Award is assessed from consecutive quarterly reports. Then the frequency of racing, automotive, and organizational activities is considered the best.

Anang Fadhilah