Breaking Through the Raging COVID-19 Storm (2): It’s A Burden to Tell My Wife and My Two Childrens

The author was confirmed positive for COVID-19 the day after the non-reactive rapid test results

The author’s wife started her career at the Wonogiri District Health Office as a Pharmacy Assistant at the Jatisrono Health Center. Every day interacted with people who have health issues. That is perhaps the most rational reason that led us to the agreement, if it is not very important, the author should not have to return to Wonogiri often. It is feared that the author will carry the COVID-19 virus when he returns from Jakarta to visit his wife and children in Wonogiri.

A week before the author tested positive for COVID-19, the wife graduated to D-III Pharmacy (A.Md.Far). The wife continues to continue her study in pharmacy even though she has a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and her current employment status is in accordance with the Chemical Engineering diploma. The decision we take remains the same, the writer should not have to go home to attend a very important moment, the graduation ceremony. After all, when he was studying for undergraduate in Chemical Engineering, he graduated at the same time … hahaha …

We also agree that whatever happens, as long as a COVID-19 vaccine has not been found, children should be optimized to learn from home.

The author and wife also apply very strict health protocols in their daily lives according to the recommendations of the COVID-19 Special Task Force.

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Going back and forth to the office or other out of office activities in Jakarta, the author chooses to drive himself, even though the office provides a driver for the author. Activities also only revolve around offices and official apartments. Everywhere, wearing masks and face shields and carrying hand sanitizers.

To shorten the story, we and our family really trust the government and the COVID-19 Special Task Force and do our best in daily life to enforce health protocols, even during meetings.

The author began to show cough symptoms a few days after the office marathon for 4 (four) consecutive days to listen to presentations and conduct virtual in-depth interviews with National Public Agencies in the context of Monitoring and Evaluation of National Public Agencies in implementing the principles of public information disclosure throughout the year 2020.

However, since the cough was begun with the activity of cleaning the dust in the official apartment, the author does not have the thought that it is an early symptom if the author is positive for COVID-19, moreover, these symptoms are not followed by other symptoms, especially symptoms of body temperature and oxygen saturation in the blood.

Every day, at least 4 (four) times the author had his temperature checked, both at the office and at his residence, the results were normal. Likewise with the level of oxygen in the blood (oxygen saturation), the author often checks with the tools owned by the Head of Central KI, Pak Gede Narayana. The result is always normal around 98.

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Moreover, on Monday (19/10/2020), 2 (two) days before the author tested positive for COVID-19, the Rapid-test results showed Non-Reactive, meaning that antibodies had not appeared in the author’s body. However, for one reason or another, according to health protocols, the day after the author was declared Non-Reactive from the Rapid test, the author had to undergo a PCR swab test.

Like the experience of my friend, the Chairperson of the General Election Commission (KPU), Arief Budiman, the results of the PCR swab confirmed that the author was positively exposed to the COVID-19 virus, different from the Rapid test results the day before.

This experience reminds the author of the author’s writings some time before about how dangerous the potential for COVID-19 transmission on planes that only rely on Rapid tests, especially on other public transportation where there is no test at all and take very long trips, such as night buses and trains.

The temporary conclusion that can be drawn is the author was exposed to the COVID-19 virus on D-6 from 19 October 2020 or after. This refers to a negative Rapid test result, meaning that D-7 from 19 October 2020 the author is still clean from the Corona virus. Another meaning, the author was not exposed during the presentation or interview process in the implementation of the 2020 Monev stage, Public Information Disclosure.

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Here, it is true that the health protocol is very very important to uphold. If it has been enforced, you can still be exposed, especially if you ignore it.

The question that remains in the author’s mind after being told positive for COVID-19 is how will the author react?

How will the author manage thoughts and feelings afterward?

How do you convey it to the author’s wife and children and the extended family?

How can the author immediately relate it to the audience, especially those who have had direct interactions with the author during the last 14 (fourteen) days?

Moreover, 5 (five) minutes after the author received information on the results of the PCR swab that confirmed the author was positive for COVID-19, the author was informed that the most senior member of the author’s matrilineal family according to Minangkabau custom was facing the death after 2 (two) weeks of being treated for an illness after being declared cured (negative) from COVID-19.

*) Hendra J. Kede (Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Central Information Commission)

To be continued…