Nearly Seven Thousand Health Officers in Bandung City Have Been Vaccinated

Ahyani - Head of Bandung City Health Official Office

Bandung – 6.911 Health officers in Bandung city have been vaccinated untill Sunday, 24th of January 2021. Those numbers reached nearly 90% total number health official official which registered.

“Reached to about 84.69% health officers have been vaccinated in line with vaccine receiver data base” Ahyani, Head of Health Official Office of Bandung city, Monday (26/01)

Ahyani revealed that according to Information System of Health Human Resources Officers, there were about 25.000 health officer who became vaccine receiver.

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Vaccination have been run since 14th of January but Ahyani admitted that there were obstacles have to dealth with. One of them is policy changing from Health Official Office of Republic Indonesia related to vaccine receiver.

“Policy changing impacted to Health official office management in giving vaccine to receiver as well as vaccine redistribution process” Ahyani revealed

Meanwhile Ahyani said that vaccine availability for Bandung city is in enough level. Central government have distributed about 25.000 Covid-19 vacine for Bandung city.

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“In line with first data, we received 25.000 vaccine for first dose and 25.000 vaccine for second dose. Second dose will gave two weeks after first vaccination” Ahyani explained

In addition, Ahyani remind to all health official to ensure their selves have been registered wether through their health facility offices or through personal registration in to information syste of health official officers

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“If not registered yet, soon report to health official office to be connected directly to health official office in Jakarta no later than 27th of January 2021” Ahyani said

Ahyani hoped that all health official officers who have been registered to calm. They confirmed will received vaccine in accordance with e-ticket that issued as vaccine recommendation giving.

“All will get shift. We will guard Covid-19 vaccine distribution in Bandung city continously” Ahyani said