Purwakarta Regent Ready to Vaccinated

Purwakarta Regent - Anne Ratna Mustika

Purwakarta – Purwakarta Regent, Anne Ratna Mustika, ready to vaccinated in the next 14th January as a respond for President request to every Regional head to be the first man at Covid-19 vaccination program

Ambu Anne, nick name of Purwakarta Regent, prepared vaccination program at his teritory. “Why I am have to be the first at Purwakarta District?This is because people must to feel secure and not affraid to be vaccinated” Ambu Anne said at health protocol socialization and affection rice giving in Nagri Tangah, Purwakarta, Friday (08/01)

First phase of vaccination is for 4.000 health officers. “Today, there were 3.700 health officers at our entry data and god willing will be completted in the last week” Anne added

Ambu emphasized that Covid-19 vaccination is central government effort in tackling pandemic transmission. Vaccine have been distributed to all Indonesia teritories whether through land route or air route

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Vaccination will be run for two months, January and February. Provinces government checked vaccine storage and it was said proper and will distributed immediately

“I am ready to be first man who vaccinated because I am pretty sure this vaccine is in accordance with standard health protocol and correspond with our need, bismillah,” Anne said

At the same place, Anne gave tens affection race packages for people who impacted by Covid-19 in RT 40/07 Kamboja Street, Nagri Tengah, Purwakarta. Regent also remind people to keep discipline in following health protocols.

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Anne said that rice package aid is an effort of Regional government to minimize Covid-19 pandemic effects. Purwakarta Government is keep to tackle impacts caused by pandemi especially health and food need

“Today, about 50 rice package distributed to neigborhood association. Symbolically because we have to follow health protocol at pandemic time” Anne explained
