West Java Province Government Received 104 Land Certificate Assets

West Java Governor, Ridwan Kamil, Received Land Certificate Symbolically

Bandung – Governor of West Java Province, Ridwan Kamil, following event “Land Certificate Giving for Indonesia Citizen” along with President of Republic Indonesia in East Hall of Sate Building, Bandung, Tuesday (05/01) virtually

There are 104 land certicates on behalf Regional Goverments of West Java Province in Cianjur District (1 certificate), Majalengka District (96 certificates), Bandung Municipality (3 certificates), and Cimahi Municipalty (4 certificates)

All land certificates for West Java Province government received by Head of Finance and Regional Asset Office, Nanin Hayani Adam, symbolically

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In addition, there are land certificate asset for Cimahi Municipality Government, State Electricity Company,

Joko Widodo, President of Republic Indonesia, said that Indonesia government give about 584.407 land certificates for 26 Provinces and 273 Districts/Municipalities

“Land certificates realy in hand by certificates receiver. Giving land certificates is government commitment to accelarate land certification in all Indonesia” President said

President said that Ministry of Land and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency has target to give 11 Million certificates in 2020. However, because global pandemic of Covid-19 there were only reached 6.8 Million certificates

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“Used to giving 500 thousand cerificates in a year, now 12 times bigger. I am pretty sure that in normal condition we can reach target to give 11 Million certificates” President said

In 2025, Indonesia government has target that certificates have received by citizen. President emphasized that ceritificate will be a proof and legal certainty on land ownership

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“Because land dispute always reach to my ear and there are many problems. It means, ladies and gentleman has a proof of land ownership. My message, save this certificate carefully” President said

President explained that land certifiate could be a collateral guarantee to bank or finance institution. However, President remind that people have to calculate carefully before borowing money to Bank.