Lampung; Corona Cases Exploded

Lampung – There were dramatic increased of Corona Virus case in Lampung Province from 511 cases to 555 cases. As cited by group.

“There were 44 of positif new cases in Lampung Province” Reihana, Head of Lampung Health Office in Bandarlampung, Saturday (12/9), said.

New cases found in seven districts and cities in Bandarlampung. Covering 26 cases in North Lampung district, 8 cases from East Lampung district, and 4 cases from Bandarlampung city.

“Anothers 3 cases are from West Pesisir and each one from Central Lampung district, Pringsewu district and Tulang Bawang district” Raihana added

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According to Raihana, 40 cases are confirmed without symptomatic and 4 cases are symptomatic cases. “The biggest increase are from tracking from confirmed cases and 39 cases from expanded tracking. Meanwhile 5 cases are new cases” Raihana explained

According to publication of Healt Office of Lampung Province, the most cases found in Bandarlampung city with 211 cases. Second most cases found in North Lampung district with 76 cases. Meanwhile Central Lampung district and West Pesisir are with 53 cases and 50 cases consequtively