Lambung Mangkurat University Will Have Professors in each Study Program

Banjarmasin – The Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Prof. Dr. H Sutarto Hadi is optimistic that he can achieve the target of assigning at least one professor in all study programs. Although he admitted, it was quite hard to do that because the requirements to become a professor were not easy.

“But we are sure we can achieve that, especially now that there are 310 lecturers at ULM who have held the position of Head Lecturer. It means, we are just one step away from getting to the professor, ”said Sutarto in Banjarmasin, Thursday (17/9). .

Some study programs have no professors, he said, because they are relatively new and the lecturers are still young. Due to the circumstances, Several lecturers have made a jump in position according to the provisions to fulfill the requirements to become professors.

Sutarto revealed, currently there are 57 active professors at ULM and finally three more, namely Prof. Dr. H Djumadi from the Faculty of Law, Prof. Rodiansono from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) and Prof. Dr. Chairul Irawan from the Faculty of Engineering.

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He also hopes that the existing professors will become motivators for other lecturers and guide young lecturers to continue working. Their abilities can be developed by collaborating in various researches.

Sutarto also expressed that even in the conditions of the Covid – 19, efforts to produce professors were not an obstacle. Evidently, this year, seven people were confirmed as professors.

“So, since the start of the pandemic, there have been seven professors who have just been added. Meanwhile, if the total starts in early 2020 there are nine professors,” he said.

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Sutarto is very grateful that ULM academics can still be productive until they reach the top of the highest career in higher education, namely professors, namely professor. Even though compared to 2019, the largest state university in South Kalimantan with accreditation A scored, only scored seven professors with a total score of 49 active professors.
