MAN 1 Teacher of Sungai Penuh – Jambi Grabbed 3 Awards in One Month

Teacher of MAN 1 Sungai Penuh City - Jambi

Sungai Penuh – The pandemic is not a barrier to creativity, yet u in this situation one ought to be able to select activities by prioritizing health protocols.

Medi Saputra, S.Sn, an art teacher of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 (Senior Religious High School/MAN) Sungaipenuh City is able to excel in the midst of current difficulties.

By participating in various virtual / online competitions in Jambi Province. Unmitigated, in the last month he has won 3 awards at the Jambi Province level, namely:
• 2nd Winner of the Short Film in the Best Director Category for the Jambi Police Chief, which was held by the Bhayangkara Jambi Community Service Working Group.
• 3rd Place in Vlog Competition organized by the Siginjei Jambi Museum as a creative team from Dwi Nanda Chairunnisa.
• The 1st runner up in the Struggle Musical Drama Competition, organized by the Jambi People’s Struggle Museum, accompanied 8 students who were processing and competing online.

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This achievement was welcomed by the Head of MAN 1 Sungaipenuh City.
“Alhamdulillah, in the middle of a pandemic, educators must also be able to improve the teaching and learning process and of course their quality,” Asmir Samin, head of MAN 1 Sungaipenuh City, said

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“By participating in online activities and prioritizing health protocols, hopefully we can continue to increase creativity to achieve achievements in the arts,” he said. (*)
