Tanjung Jabung Barat Regent Awaken Tourism in the Middle of Pandemic

Sukarejo Eco Tourism Site in Tanjung Jabung Barat - Jambi

Tanjung Barat – Tanjung Barat government not give up to raise up tourism activity in spite of tourism sluggishness in the middle of pandemic. Safrial, Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat, launc eco-tourism destination di Betara sub-district, Saturday (05/12)

Tanjung Jabung Barat District, especially Betara sub-district and Mekar Jaya village, known as coffee plant teritory. Citizen of Mekar Jaya succeed make many tourism sites with variety spots. At this time, there were eight tourism spots and eco-tourism areal and one of them is liberika village as integrated coffee areal.

In order to promote eco-tourism site, Tourism Official Office of Tanjung Jabung Barat run biking together to explore coffee village as eco-tourism site in Tanjung Jabung Barat.

“Today, Saturday and Sunday, we invite accessors from province,  Hotel and Restaurant Association, to evaluate and give note toward assesment process to make liberika village as an integrated coffee areal” Otto Riadi, Head of Tourism Office of Tanjung Jabung Barat, said as been cited by siberindo.co group

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Meanwhile, Safrial said that biking together is also a moment to make soft opening for Sukarejo eco-tourism.

Liberika coffee village was developed by Tanjung Jabung Barat accompanied by Petro China and other tourism stake holders.

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Regent added that biking togher not only new interested hobby but also a way to improve immunity in the middle of pandemic. However, regent remind that people still ought to follow health protocol.

“It is necessary to remind that biking together activity have to accompanied by health protocol to avoid Covid-19 transmission” Regent said