Mindanao Potencial Market for Batic and Indonesia Moslem Fashion

Davao City Consulate General - (foto doc foreign ministry)

Davao – Indonesia Foreign Ministry run virtual workshop business meeting in order to support Indonesia Small Medium Enterprises in Batik and Indonesia Moslem Fashion production to penetrate global market. Business Forum for Garment Sector (Batik and Moslems Fashion) followed by more than 100 businessman in Indonesia Garment, Thursday (03/12)

As been stated by official website of foreign ministry, there were Dicky Febrian, Indonesia Consulate General for Davao City, and Director for Southeast Asia of Foreign Ministry, Consulate General of Republic Indonesia in Penang, Consulate General of Republic Indonesia in Songkhla and Head of Trade, Cooperative and Small Medium Enterprise of Pekalongan City.

Dicky Fabrian explained the recent information of market potencial in Mindanao for garment, Batic and Moslems Fashion, to webinar participants especially who want to penetrate Mindanao market.

Fabrian underlined that potential market for Indonesia garment are for ready to wear batic both for man and woman, shirt, house dres, pants, moslems fashion, and praying stuffs namely sarong, mukena and skull cap.

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Fabrian said that Davao Consulate General is going to run virtual business matching and exhibition in 2021 and will invite Indonesia businessment in batic and garment in order to optimilize Mindanao market.

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