Indonesia Omnibus Law Considered Against Spirit of Constitution

Yogyakarta – Dean of Law Faculty from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Sigit Riyanto, considered that Omnibus Law Bill for Job Creation against spirit of Indonesia constitution.

Dean said that article related to economic and social economic state in that Bill was releeased by liberal capitalistic approach. This is not compatible with spirit of Indonesia constitution as well as spirit of Indonesia founding fathers

In addition, state resources in that Bill used extracting paradigm which is very danger and against global mainstream

“Where management state resources directed to inovatif process and care of environmental issue as a fundamental aspect in managing all resources” Sigit explained in press confrence virtually, Tuesday (07/10)

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Sigit said, those approaches show that the bill ignored or marginalized protection toward Indonesia citizen.

Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Law expert from UGM, considered that judicial review of constitutional court should be done because Bill show that executive and legislatif are neglected participation and public desire

“It is clear in our constituion article 1, paragaraph (2) that sovereignty is on the people and have to implemented in line with UUD 1945 (Indonesia constitution)” Zaenal said

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House of represepntative validated Omnibus Law for Job Creation draft became Bill of Omnibus Law in Plenary Session . Omnibus Law draft approved by seven fractions, those are : PDI Perjuangan, PKB, PAN, PPP, Gerindra, Nasional Demokrat, and Golongan Karya. There were two fraction denied, those are Demokrat and PKS

Plenary session tinged with high tension between Demokrat Fraction with Legislative Speaker and Demokrat decided to walk out from plenary session.

Head of Legislative Agency of House of Representative, Andi Agtas, explained that discussion on the draft have run for 64 times. In details, 2 times work meeting, 56 times standing committee meeting, 6 times meeting of deliberation team, including reses period and Saturday-suday

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“This Bill containt from 15 chapter and 185 articles from 174 articles previously” Supratman said

Supratman explained that draft arranged by using omnibus method with impact toward 1.203 articles from 79 Bills and 7.197 checklist of problems.

Supratman asserted that discussion were intensive with delibration principle since April 20st untill October 3rd, 2020

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