Bantul – White turmeric could stabilize the healthyness of Covid-19 sufferer. Covid-19 sufferer could be declared negative from Covid-19 by consuming this kind of herbal medicine in one to two weeks.
One of testimony came from officer in Antasara Hospital Jakarta. Iria Indriani explained that whiter turmeric has many advantages.
Salah satu testimoni dari pegawai di Rumah Sakit Antasari, Jakarta menjelaskan kalau kunir putih memang banyak khasiatnya. Ira who suffer Covid-19 and have to isolate for two weeks, consumed white turmeric in one week and got well. That is why Ira belive efficacy of white turmeric

Same experienced express by Dina Permata from Surabaya who consume white turmeric capsule when exposed by Covid-19
“Alhamdulillah, one family got well from Covid-19” Dina Permata said
Prof. Dr. Ir Dwiyati Pujimulani, a researcher of white turmeric, explained that there are many kind of spice plant and one of them is white turmeric with latin name, Curcuma Zedoaria
“As one of spice plant, white turmeric is easy to plant” Dwiyati said to wiradase, one of group in Sunday (07/02)
In 2004, Dwiyati researched white turmeric and found that this kind of herbal plant has anti oxidant to prevent gen damage. That is why, as a founder of CV Windra Mekar, she is developed his research result.
“Want useful and help people. This is one of our purpose” Dwiyanti said ini his residence at Jl Wates Km 9.5 Plawonan, Sedayu Bantul, Yogyakarta.
It is easy to plant white turmeric. Begin by plant seed and the seed will grow. This condition made people around interesting to plant white turmeric
Dwiyati also recepve farmers who want to sell white turmeric with Rp 2.300 for 1 Kg white turmeric.
The result of white turmeric process attracted people. Same of white turmeric process developed by Windra Mekar are Esem, instant spice drink, white turmeric capsul, curcuval DP, temulawak capsule, curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb.
There are many benefits of white turmeric such as for elevating immunity, cancer cure, inflammation cure and others desease related to fat