Jumantik, Environment Free Larva Program in Kebumen

Jumantik cadres in Tambakagung Village of Kliring sub-district, Kebumen District (nuranggraeni/wiradesa.co)

Kebumen – Village of Tambakagung government run survailance pogram for larva development by deploying larva obersever officers (Jumantik-red). Jumantik program run eight times in two months

“Jumantik is People Health Centre program to observe environment which can cause the rise of larva. Jumantik target is every head of family” Nani, one of healt cadre in Tambakagung, Klirong sub-district, Kebumen District, said, Friday (1112) as been said by wiradesa.co, a member of siberindo.co group

Accompanied by People Health Centre officer from Klirong sub-district, Jumantik cadre run field examination. This program involve mother of village cadre and receiver of Hope Family Program from village government.

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Nani explained that Tambakagung village have run Jumantik program for two years. This program covering waterway checking, vase, bathub and another place that enable to grow larve especially aedes aegypti mosquito.

Nani said that there were variety responses from people. A lot of people feel happy with this examination program and make them more diligent to protect environmental hygiene. However, there were people with lack of responses. “There were people who feel uncomfortable with the program. However, that not make us surrender to run this program” Nani said to wiradesa.co

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Furthermore, the benefit of Jumantik program is to keep village environment health especially in pandemic Covid-19 era. Nani hoped that Tambakagung village do not neglect the threat of another diseases transmit by aedes aegyptyi mosquito bite, or dengue virus, as a main cause of dengeu fever

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“In pandemic time, we have to take care of our immunity. Environmental ought to keep health. We have to keep body health, run regular exercise, always use mask and wash hand dilligently for protecting our family from Covid-19. Meanwhile, we have to keep our environment health for making our environment free from larva and mosquito nest for protecting dengeu fever transmission” Nani added to Nur Anggraini from wiradesa.co