Sambudiana’s Effort to Train Professional Football Player

Yogyakarta – Sambudiana, alumni of FPOK IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta, spent more than 18 years as football coach to train profesional football tirelessly. Most of Sambudiana’s time, thought, power, and treasure poured out to give birth national professional football

Sambudiana became football coach since 2002 untill 2020. Holder of license certificate D of football coach course, succeed in taking Persiba Bantul to semifinal stage of Independence Day Cup in 2015.

Sambudiana want to give birth professional football with all his strength and weakness. There were 5 football players from South Sumatra, North Sumatra, and South Sulawasi facilititated in his house, Baturetno Village, Banguntapan sub-district, Bantul District, Yogyakarta.

All of Sambudiana’s players are in school of SMA Muhadiyyah I Bantul (Muhiba). “We cooperative with SMA Muhiba to facilitate player. That is why our player not only could follow training routinely but also finished their senior high school” Sambudiana said, Tuesday (29/9)

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Four players at class 1 of senior high school are Abdi Nugroho, Arif Irawan, and Haryano from South Sumatra. Haikal Purka from North Sumatra and Maulidi from South Sulawesi. “Our exercise schedule are Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning-afternoon, Thursday morning, Friday afternoon, game trial in Saturday and Sunday afternoon, and free day in Monday” Sambudiana explained

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There were same of Sambudiana protege who involved in professional leageu, they are ; Wafaul Azmi, Faturahman Aldi, and Dici Fauzi in League 3. In adition, there were some of national football get guidance from Sandiaga. They are Dinn Javier (U-19) and Sadam Bani Sumantri (Student National Team)