Two Employer Infected by SARS-Cov2, Museum and Cultural Heritage Building in Surabaya Closed

HOS Tjokroaminoto's Museum

Surabaya – Tuesday (29/09) historial area such as Hero Monument, Siolo Meseum, Tunjungan, House of HOS Tjokroaminoto’s Meseum and WR Supratman grave areal are closed for visitors.

One of staff in Hero Monument appologize to as part of group who come to the place. “We appologize Sir. Our place (Hero Monument) is closed”

After investigating it was found that two employer who control historical place and cultural heritage under Hero Monument unit confirmed Covid-19. “Now, that two persons are in self isolation at hospital” employer explained

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It ws same condition when visited HOS Tjokroaminoto’s Museum in Jl Peneleh VII Surabaya. “If you want to visit museum, ask permition to Hero Monument sir” Eko Agustiono, staff of HOS Tjokroaminoto’s museum said

Eko continue that he heard information about two staffs in Hero Monument who confirme positive Covid-19. “I follow bot rapid test and swab test routinely. Alhamdulillah, negatif. If tomorrow asked to checked, I already”

Eko added that cultural heritage and meseum closed since Covid-19 outbreak.

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