Tens of Visitors Caught Because of Not Using Mask

Kediri – Kediri Police, Indonesia National Army and Security Guard run join Yustisi operation by mobile system for law enforcement. Yustisi operation run in corresponding with regional regulation of East Java Province Number 2/2020 and Regent regulation Number 44/2020

Head of Kediri Police, Lukman Cahyono, explained that joint yustisi operation have to be done in order to enforce health protocol during pandemic. Joint operation team will inspect crowded place such as Simpang Lima Gumul.

There will be enforcement if found same of people who do not use mask. “Sanction is in a fine Rp 100.000 in correspondence by Regent regulation number 44/2020” Cahyono explained, Saturday night (19/9)

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Cahyono said that team found tens of people who do not use mask. In addition, team found many people who bring same of illicit goods such as drug

“We hope that fine as form of sanction from yustisi operation will give deterrent effect to the people who broke health protocol and will afraid to broke again” Cahyono said

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