Track Record of Banjarmasin Maestro Anang Ardiansyah Reviewed

Banjarmasin – ‘Abah Raja Ai’, a book written by Nasrullah and Riswan Irfani, who writes about the biography of a well-known person in Banua who is also the maestro of Banjarese songwriting – Anang Ardiansyah, who is famous for his song Paris Barantai, is reviewed.

Reviewing the book “Abah Raja Ai” attended by Almin Hatta, a senior journalist, and Muchlis Maman, the artist of Banua, took place at Aula Kayu Baimbai, Banjarmasin City Hall, Saturday (19/9).

The enthusiasm of the participants in the biography review of the Banjarese songwriter was quite high. It can be seen when listening to the presentation delivered by two sources guided by the presenter Rini Muliana.

Even the Mayor of Banjarmasin, Ibnu Sina, appreciated the book that inspired and provided his own education behind the simple yet characteristic figure, Anang Ardiansyah, who was a former army (TNI-AD).

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“This book inserts moral and religious messages. The social and cultural life that he, Anang Ardiansyah, conveyed through the lines and tones for Banua are increasingly imprinted in our hearts from generation to generation, “said Ibnu Sina when opening the event.

According to Ibnu Sina, the works of this Banjarese song maestro are very close to the city of Banjarmasin. Pangeran Suriansyah was one of them who became a historical inscription for the creation of the city of Banjarmasin.

Whether we realize it or not, this song has become a tagline in every corner of the city. Even the song Pangeran Suriansyah, was included in local content learning material in elementary schools since it is meaningful and easy to remember.

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For Almin Hatta, a book written in the long contemplation of Riswan Irfani and Nasrullah, is able to cover an history that has so far been unknown to the public.

Of course, through this book, the public will know a lot behind the story of Anang Ardiansyah’s long journey. More than 123 songs that were composed, there are such a mystery story about what inspired them and the meaning contained in each song in the process of creation.

“The two writers photograph the other side and how to express it through writing. So that, the song as we know it, can be imbued with and animated through the cheerful chanting and soft lamentation of Anang Ardiansyah.” said Almin Hatta.

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Not like Almin Hatta, Muchlis Maman has different opinion. The man who is known as a theater artist and art lecturer said that Abah Anang Ardiansyah himself was a person who was good at capturing direct inspiration.

No wonder that inspiration is often conveyed through “bagarunum” which eventually becomes a song. This is one of the differences with other songwriters, especially folk songs.

“No less important, he has character and is strong in tone and verse. He speaks Indonesian, but still sounds like Banjarese song, including in his songs. On the other hand, other songwriters, even though they use the Banjarese language, do not sound like Banjarese songs. ” said Julak Larau, a well-known person from a bubuhan shop. anang/irfan