Deputy Mayor of Banjarmasin Attends Phase II Covid-19 Vaccine of Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce

Kadin Kota Banjarmasin together with Lanal Kota Banjarmasin, Intakindo and INSA Banjarmasin held phase 2 of the Covid-19 vaccination, after the 1st dose which was held on July 7, 2021.

“This vaccine activity is carried out as a mutual cooperation effort to succeed the government’s program in the Covid-19 Vaccination program. It is hoped that this program can continue and be massive. In the name of humanity, let’s work hand in hand, contribute with all our resources. We can do it together,” said Acting . Chairman of the Banjarmasin Kadin H Nanda Febryan ST MT, Thursday (5/8/2021).

Nanda said, the vaccination activity was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Banjarmasin DR H Ariffin Noor who was pleased to review the implementation of the event. “The Deputy Mayor of Banjarmasin appreciates the vaccine activity of the Banjarmasin Kadin for the collaboration between Kadin and all existing parties. This can serve as an example to all stakeholders in the City of Banjarmasin to help each other and work together in facing the challenges of Covid-19,” he said accompanied by a number of Kadin officials. Banjarmasin City.

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Nanda Febryan said that his party would like to thank Lanal Banjarmasin and the Health Team for facilitating the implementation of the event. Deputy Mayor of Banjarmasin who is pleased to review the implementation of vaccination, as well as all parties involved.

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“Kadin Banjarmasin wants to be present in the community, together with the government and all stakeholders, to bring the community to the people of Banjarmasin City,” said Nanda. 

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