South Kalimantan National Library-Perpusda-BI Synergy Builds Literacy Culture

Efforts to build a literacy culture require synergy. This message emerged from the top of the South Kalimantan Library Development Coordination Meeting held by the Regional Library and Archives Service (Dispersip) of South Kalimantan Province on Thursday (02/03) in Banjarmasin.


Head of the National Library (Perpusnas) Muhammad Syarif Bando, who was present as the guest of honor, in his presentation said efforts to increase knowledge and literacy through libraries must continue to be carried out in all regions in Indonesia, including South Kalimantan.


Therefore, we welcome the well-established synergy between the South Kalimantan Regional Library (Perpusda) and South Kalimantan BI. According to him, the synergy between institutions will accelerate literacy in the regions.


“The more institutions that care about literacy, the better. With synergy, there will be many programs that can be explored, not only inside the library building, but also outside the library building such as Mobile Libraries or Mobile Libraries,” said Syarif.


In line with that, the Head of the South Kalimantan Dispersip Nurliani Dardie appreciated the efforts of the Central Bank of South Kalimantan for reopening the library to the public. What’s more, the BI Kalsel library has a children’s reading room so that the spirit of literacy can be instilled from an early age.

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“Some time ago I was invited by the Senior Deputy Governor of BI, Ms. Destry Damayanti, to visit the re-opening ceremony of the BI South Kalimantan library to the public. There BI has a good children’s reading room for developing literacy from an early age,” said Nurliani.


In the near future, on March 13, 2023 to be exact, the South Kalimantan Dispersip and the BI Library of South Kalimantan will collaborate in holding a storytelling activity for children to commend World Fairy Tale Day, presenting the National Storyteller, Kempho Antaka.


“We are very grateful to BI for fully supporting library and world literacy activities in South Kalimantan. This includes storytelling activities in the near future,” said Nurliani.


On a separate occasion, Deputy Head of South Kalimantan BI Representative Bimo Epyanto said BI always pays great attention to economic development programs, including community empowerment through increasing literacy for early childhood and the younger generation.

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“That’s why we work together with Dispersip Kalsel, so that regional literacy can be accelerated,” said Bimo.


As a form of synergy, BI Kalsel handed over a History and Heritage book entitled BI in the Trajectory of South Kalimantan History” to the Head of the National Library, and the Book of Treasures of Rupiah Currency to the Head of the South Kalimantan Dispersip.


The two books were handed over to Bimo Epyanto, accompanied by the Head of the South Kalimantan BI Public Relations Unit, Adhi Nugroho, South Kalimantan BI Library Manager Dewi Rahmawati, and South Kalimantan BI librarian Cholili Hadina.


Like tit for tat, Head of National Library of Indonesia also presented BI Kalsel with a book entitled Impact Stories of Library Transformation Based On Social Inclusion published by National Library of Indonesia.

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In the free discussion session, Dewi and Cholili also exchanged ideas with the Head of National Library of Indonesia regarding efforts to encourage literacy from an early age. National Library expressed its support and is ready to collaborate closely in the future.


According to Dewi and Cholili, efforts to increase literacy need to be carried out in a format that is creative, up-to-date, and has a digital touch so that young people’s interest in reading can be increased.


“Therefore, BI Kalsel has various contemporary literacy programs, starting from podcasts, online book reviews, floating libraries, mobile libraries, to online libraries,” they concluded.


The coordination meeting, which was held for two days at the Rattan Inn Hotel in Banjarmasin, was also attended by the Regency and City Library Services in South Kalimantan, Mothers of Literacy, Reading Ambassadors, and literacy activists. During this coordination meeting, two mobile libraries were handed over from the National Library of Indonesia to the South Kalimantan Dispersip.

