Members of the South Kalimantan IMI Shooting Practice at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters of the South Kalimantan Police

Banjarbaru – With strict health protocols, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association, South Kalimantan Province, had the opportunity to practice shooting at the Mako Brimob Field of the South Kalimantan Police, Guntungmanggis, Ulin Platform, Banjarbaru City, Tuesday (11/8/2021).

The Daily Chairperson of IMI South Kalimantan, Kombes Pol. Widiatmoko SH SIK, said that shooting training activities were aimed at the IMI South Kalimantan administrators in order to enliven the 76th Indonesian Independence Day as well as the disbandment of the South Kalimantan IMI Rakerda Committee.

“Exercise shooting at IMI South Kalimantan administrators for physical fitness and physical and spiritual fitness as well as improving mentality,” he said.

Said Kombes Pol Widiatmoko, who is also the Dirbinmas of the South Kalimantan Police, that shooting activities want to reap other benefits which can include training in concentration, accuracy, and speed because shooting requires concentration in finding targets for shooting to achieve maximum results.

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“Precision on target in shooting must be Really Difficult. Speed ​​is required in a predetermined time in each shooting. It’s all because of efforts to improve performance as IMI South Kalimantan administrators,” he said.

A shooter must have strong self-control, controlling himself from every situation that can disturb, pressure, and emotional shocks, so that he can control himself from fear and doubt. “A shooter must have great motivation instilled in him to excel and make the institution proud,” he said.

Widiatmoko said, a shooter must have his own abilities, so he never has feelings before competing.

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The same thing was said by the Head of IMI South Kalimantan, Ir H Edy Sudarmadi, that the shooting training provided by the Ditbinmas of the South Kalimantan Police for the administrators of the South Kalimantan IMI was considered very useful and important.

“Shooting right on target is not as easy as one might think, it takes emotional stability when controlling a weapon. This is part of a philosophy in dealing with daily tasks,” he said.

By shooting, continued Edy, mental training and courage to be able to make decisions quickly. Being able to control oneself or practice patience, becomes a means to release fatigue from various daily activities.

“A shooter who deals with firearms, the main philosophy he must hold is that he must always treat the weapon in a loaded state, then make sure the weapon is safe in his grip, he must also understand that the target to be shot is the right target,” he said.

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The administrators who had the opportunity to practice shooting did not waste this moment, guided by the shooting coach of the Mako Brimob of the South Kalimantan Police. One by one the administrators tried to practice shooting using a gun. Before carrying out shooting exercises, the IMI South Kalimantan administrators were first trained and taught about the theory, attitude, how to shoot properly and directly guided by the instructor.
