Bangka Belitung Governor Asked Pangkalpinang Mayor To Eliminate Bulkheads for City Progress

Pangkalpinang – Bangka Belitung Governor, Erzaldi, attended first Special Plenary Meeting in first meeting 2020 year of Pangkalpinang legislatif city as a celebration of Pangkalpinang anniversary.

In his greeting, Erzaldi asked Pangkalpinang Mayor, Maulana Akil, to eliminate political bulkheads for Pangkalpinang progress.

“Beating teritorial ego, regional ego, and political affiliation are the ultimate if we talk about development and together advancement”

In his speech Erzaldi expressed that he feel happy with Pangkalpinang anniversary. Wisdom of anniversary is not reduced in spite of limitation caused by Covid-19 pandemic.

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Erzaldi said that his love to Pangkalpinang city is not only because have lived in official house of Pangkalpinang Mayor as son of Rosman Djohan, former Pangkalpinang Mayor, but also sense of belonging and pride that have been planted since his child period of time.

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Erzaldi address that he expressed his comittment through budget support and joint program between Pangkalpinang city and Bangka Belitung province “We still have a lot of home work which have to be done” Erzaldi said.

Same of important priorities and need togetherness are preventing flood and enviromental damaged in periferal area, criminal handling, sluggishness of trade, people circulation and impact.

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“All of us dream that Pangkalpinang would be a welfare base and central civilization of allied countries. Keep growing and developing as a small city metropolis with modern culture and care each other” Erzaldi said

Meanwhile, Pangkalpinang Mayor, Molen, said thank you to province government.

“Relating to Covid-19, Pangkalpinang city could not free from synergy with all stake holders especially with government province” Molen said