Rapid Test Cost in 8 Airports of Angkasa Pura I Decreased to Rp85.000

Denpasar – Angkasa Pura I decrease rapid test service in his 8 airports to Rp 85.000 from about Rp 150.000 – Rp 200.000 to make travelling easier.

Rapid test still a mandatory document for air travelling according to decree Covid-19 decree Number 9/2029 as reference of Transportation Ministry.

Eight’s airports under Angkasa Pura I are : Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar Airport, Juanda Surabaya Airport, Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Airport, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Airport, Yogyakarta International Airport, Jendral Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport, Adi Soemarmo Solo Airport, and Sentani Jayapura Airport.

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“Decreasing rapid test cost in 8 airports is to reduce air transportation cost burden and make easier to passengers candidate for travelling with air transportation as a new adaptation” Fail Fahmi, President Director of Angkasa Pura I, saidz Thursday (17/9)

Rapid test have been provided and Angkasa Pura I airports since July in cooperation with some clinics through Angkasa Pura Supports as subsidiary of Angkasa Pura I. Angkasa Pura I will always follow health protocol in preventing corona virus spread in every airport.

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Airport officer obliged to check body temperature before working, using self protection namely face shield, mask, and glove. In addition, rapid area test have to disinfected routinely to ensure it’s cleanliness.

It is not only Airport officer have to follow health protocol, but also rapid test participants candidate. Participant candidates obliged to wash their hand and check their body temperature before entering medical examination area.

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“Every participant candidate have to register by bringing identity card and filling provided form. Then, rapid test participant could follow health check with doctor and taking blood sample. After finishing test, participant is waiting and waiting room untill rapid test result issued” Faik Fahmi explained