Football Player U-40 at 263rd Years of Pangkalpinang City Anniversary

Bangka Belitung – Pangkalpinang City Government celebrated his 263rd City Anniversary by doing Festival Football for U-40 in Depati Amir Stadium, Pangkalpinang City, Saturday (19/9)

Eryanto, Chief of Festival Committee, said that there were 8 teams follow tournament with minimum age of 40 years old. Festival will be held for two days, 19-20 September 2020, with eight teams to fight over fixed trophy and rotating trophy of Pangkalpinang Mayor.

Eryanto said, football tournament not only to celebrate Pangkalpinang City anniversary but also to keep in touch among football player, especially veteran football player who live in Bangka Belitung

“We are going to enliven of Pangkalpinang City Anniversary because of Mayor’s antusiasm in football is also high. We know that Bangka Belitung football gave birth excellent football player and our football club has many achievements and there are many veteran player participate in tournament” Eryanto said, Saturday (19/9)

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Eryanto hope that football tournament will be run every year and various events could be run in Pangkalpinang City pride stadium.

“Because insyaallah we will run Danone League. Next we will communicate to Mayor to take Danone League be here. Local minimally and National if allowed”