Face to Face Education in Zone Orange of Pangkalpinang City Postponed

Acting Head of Education and Culture Office of Pangkalpinang City

Pangkalpinang – Acting Head of Education and Culture Office Pangkalpinang City of Bangka Belitung City, Eddy Supriadi, said that his office postpone face to face teaching and learning activities for secondary high school

“Now, Pangkalpinang is still orang zone and have yet to opened, so we still pending” Eddy, said, Tuesday (29/09)

Face to face teaching and learning activities will be opened in first of October refered to Joint Decree by 4 ministries launched in August. However, Pangkalpinang is still in orange zone with 17 patiens run quarantine of Covid-19

“We still monitoring. Principally, in October we will see the development in Pangkalpinang city first because refered to Joint Decre of 4 ministries there were only green and yellow zone that can be openned”

“If in the first of October is yellow zone, god willing will open” Eddy explained

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Eddy admitted that there were 29 secondary high school in Pangkalpinang stated ready to open face to face teaching and learning activities. Despite all scholl stated ready to open, eddy prioritize safety and healt of learners

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“To be important is learner safety and healthy” Eddy reaffirmed