Election Supervisory Agency Opens Up the Possibility of Regional Election Postponement

Jakarta – Indonesia Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Opens Up the possiblities of Regional Election Simultaneously Posponement in 2020. As mentioned by siberindo.co group, Rahmat Bagja as one of Bawaslu commissioner admit that Bawaslu was pierced in monitoring health protocols of Covid-19 in registration phase of District Head candidate, 4th-6th of September

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“We was pierced in the first phase, registration phase. Yet we ask that Covid-19 protocol not be imposed to organizer of general election only” Rahmat said, Thursday (17/09). Consequently, in the next step Bawaslu will give recomendation to all violation rule in the field.

Relating to pressure for potponement of Regional Election Simultaneusly in 2020, Rahmat said that it can be applied but only in the regional scale. Postponement will not applied in 270 regional of regional election. For instance, regional election postponement will be executed because of continous violation and organizer have give punishment for more than twice

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“Could be postponed in one regional if have been warned one times, two times, three times but still violate covid-19 protocal. In my opinion, one regional could be postponed his regional election” Bagja explained