Indonesia Refuse China Claim on Natuna for The Second Time

JAKARTA – Indonesia Government conviced a refusing of China nine dash line in Economic Exclusive Zone at North Natuna Ocean, as have been mentioned by group

This second refusing have been delivered by speaker of Foreign Affairs Ministry, Teuku Faizasyah, as respond to China Foreign Affairs Ministry who said tat Coast Guard 5204 ship has a right to patrol in that teritory.

“Indonesia government strictly refuse and not admit nine dash line claim” Faizasyah said in virtual confrence, Thursday (17/09)

Before, China Coast Guard Ship have broken Economic Exclusive Zone in Nort Ocean of Natuna in Saturday (12/09)

Chief of Public Relation and Protocol Section of Indonesian Maritime Security Agency, Bakamla, Wisnu Pramandita colonel said that China Coast Guard Ship with hull number 5204 have been detected in about 10.00 am in radar and Indonesia expelled out with KN Nipah 321 ship.

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KN Nipah 321 have been communicated first through radio to ask the purpose of 5204 Coast Guard but China ship insisted not to go out from Indonesia teritory because of his duty in patroling nin-dash line area as China teritory. However, Coast Guard of China go out form Indonesia teritory

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It was not the first time. In the late of December of 2019 until first of January 2020, same of China fishing boat have been detected in Indonesia ZEE guarded by Coast Guard of China ship