National Recovered Patients Number Reaches 345,566

Jakarta – The number of patients recovered from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) increased 3,624 people on Monday, 2 November. Therefore, the total number of recovered patients reached 345,566.

Jakarta held the highest daily recovery province with 1,057 cases and total recovery number of 95,783 cases. It was followed by West Java with additional of 389 recovered cases and cumulative recovered number of 26,671 cases.

Next, Central Java had additional 362 recovered cases and cumulative recovered number of 28,788 cases. East Java added 300 recovered cases and its cumulative recovery number reached 47,001 cases. High recovery rates were also recorded by East Kalimantan with 250 cases and cumulative number of 11,500 as well as West Sumatra with 250 cases and total number of 10,764.

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Riau recorded 157 recovery cases and cumulative number of 11,490 and Aceh added 136 cases and cumulative number of 5.173. Riau Islands accounted 107 cases with 2,775 total recovered cases.

Meanwhile, additional confirmed patients were 2,618 people and cumulative number reached 415,402 across the country. Total active COVID-19 cases as of Monday were 55,792. The number of death was 101 cases and the total was 14,044 cases.

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Meanwhile, the number of suspects reached 59,500 and the inspected specimens were 26,661. The distribution area were still in 34 provinces and 502 districts/cities.

Anang Fadhilah