Developed 787 Tourism Villages Around Mandalika

JAKARTA – The Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT), Abdul Halim Iskandar, attended a Coordination Meeting to discuss the Preparations for the Mandalika MotoGP 2021, led by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut B Panjaitan virtually, Tuesday (3/11).

The man who is familiarly called Gus the Minister said, in the Mandalika Super Priority Tourism area, the Ministry of Health PDTT was given to developing four districts and 787 villages. around that area. With a budget allocation of Rp. 9.4 billion.

Gus Minister admitted the Ministry of Health PDTT has oriented the multiplayer effect of the MotoGP event, to help villagers and develop the local economy. Namely, by building a homestay, digitizing the promotion and marketing of culture and beauty in the Mandalika tourism area.

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“The PDTT Ministry of Health will also encourage the marketing of superior village products through BUMDes, to enter MotoGP events, hotels and tourist attractions,” said this Doctor Honoris Causa UNY.

Therefore, Gus Minister then proposed that the budget allocation be diverted for the construction of homestays in four sub-districts around the Mandalika area. Namely, three districts in Central Lombok, starting from Pujut District, Praya Barat and Praya Timur Districts. In addition, in Jero Waru District in East Lombok Regency.

Homestay development, said the former chair of the East Java DPRD, can also include Village Funds in several local villages. Even the management of this Homestay by BUMDes in collaboration with the community uses a profit sharing system.

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If th allocation of Rp. 9.4 billion is added to the Village Fund, 752 homestays can be built. Systematically, the potential funds in the PDTT Ministry of Villages are Rp. 9.4 billion as a stimulant (grants to Bumdes) and the potential is around 25 percent of Rp. 20.7 billion.


“Then the funds will be collected Rp. 31 billion for 51 villages. If the funds are assumed to build Rp. 40 million, 752 homestays will be built,” said the former chairperson of the Jombang DPRD.

The steps that will be taken by the Ministry of PDTT in Mandalika in November will involve a special team in the Mandalika area, then until January 2021 identify potential and problems in the field.

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In February 2021, the homestay development process will begin and they estimate it that they will complete it in June 2021. Promotions will be immediately held on the MGPA Official Website.

“The PDTT Ministry of Health will also invest in tourist villages in NTB and will also promote it on the MGPA Official Website. Tourists will find out and will visit it,” said this Santri Village Head.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan positively welcomed the plan presented by Gus Minister. Because it involves the community and has a direct effect on the economic growth of local communities.

Anang Fadhilah