South Kalimantan Will Immediately Have Airport Train

airport train illustration

BANJARBARU – To fulfill the wishes of all people in South Kalimantan, the planning of a study on the construction of a special airport railway station and railroad in South Kalimantan will soon be realized.

Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of South Kalimantan, Nurul Fajar Desira said, after conducting a project feasibility study (FS) from the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, the results showed that only South Kalimantan had the opportunity to carry out the airport railroad development planning.

“Only in South Kalimantan get this project even though it is nationally,” he said, Tuesday (3/11) yesterday.

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Fajar Desira conveyed that for the realization of airport railroads in South Kalimantan, at least the Government needs a budget of IDR 24 trillion.

“In fact, the central government wants all of Kalimantan, however, South Kalimantan alone needs a budget of Rp 24 trillion,” he explained.

In strengthening infrastructure, he said, even though the railroad construction project in South Kalimantan province is a national project. However, this has become the dream and hope of every community in Lambung Mangkurat land.

“Therefore, currently we are still lobbying with a number of investors to be able to realize the construction of airport railroad tracks to become a priority project,” he said.

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Economically, he hopes that the planning can be realized soon. However, in 2021, the South Kalimantan Provincial Government must first conduct a study.

“If this infrastructure project can be achieved, economically and financially the community will also be helped,” he added.

However, he also explained that in order for the realization of the railroad track which is planned to be directly adjacent to the Syamsuddinoor International Airport in Banjarmasin, in Banjarbaru, the government still needs investors.

“Rp24 trillion, quite a lot through the APBD or APBN, is not sufficient. So, investors must be there and the South Kalimantan PMPTSP Service is implementing it, “he concluded.

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For information, the planned railway route and station must be realized, covering the route Banjarmasin – Martapura – Rantau – Barabai – Tanjung to the border of East Kalimantan (towards the new capital city / IKN). Furthermore, Banjarmasin – Pelaihari – Asam Asam – Pagatan – Batulicin – Kotabaru to the border of East Kalimantan (the new capital city / IKN). Then, the route Banjarmasin – Batulicin, Banjarmasin – The border of Central Kalimantan to the airport train route.

Anang Fadhilah