Arutmin Granted Special Mining Business

Banjarmasin – PT Arutmin Indonesia (Arutmin), as a subsidiary of PT BUMI Resources Tbk. (“BUMI”or “The Company”) on 2 November 2020 by virtue of the Decree of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia No.221K/33/MEM/2020 regarding Special Mining Business Permit for the Continuation of Operation of Contract/Agreement of PT Arutmin Indonesia.


Has secured the first extension of the Coal Contract of Work (CCoW) in the form of the Special Mining Business Permit (hereinafter referred to as “IUPK”) from the Government.


This was said by Dhangku Putra Head of Office PT Arutmin Indonesia Banjarbaru, Wednesday (11/11/2020) after the PT Arutmin and Media Gathering in South Kalimantan, at the Mercure Hotel. “This IUPK is granted for a period of 10 (ten) years up until 1 November 2030 and is extendable in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,” Dhangku said .

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Dhangku said who was accompanied by Delma Azrin, Manager of Safety Health Environment and Community (SHEC) and Muhamad Agri Senior external affairs, PT Arutmin Indonesia welcomes the certainty being conferred by its new IUPK status by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources decree and the opportunity of strengthening its contribution to the national economy.


“The granting of this IUPK was carried out through the submission of application for extension process by Arutmin to the Government by fulfilling all requirements as regulated in Law No.3 of 2020 regarding Amendments to Law No.4 of 2009 regarding “Minerals and Coal and Government Regulations concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities and other implementing regulations,” he said .

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The government has evaluated both Arutmin’s IUPK application documents and Arutmin’s mining performance by considering the sustainability of operations, optimization of potential coal reserves in the context of coal conservation from IUPK at production operations and national interests.

With Arutmin obtaining this license, it will have a positive impact on the sustainability of the Company’s operations and state revenue.


President Director of BUMI Resources Tbk., Saptari Hoedaja said, “We are grateful to the Government for answering our hopes, given our contribution to the communities around the mining area by continuing to carry out sustainable development programs and our commitment to comply with applicable laws and regulations by implementing good mining governance practices”.


CSR Award


PT Bumi Resources Tbk. (“BUMI” or “Company”) through unit business, PT Arutmin Indonesia (Arutmin) and PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) earns Platinum in Indonesian CSR Award (ICA) 2020 was held in Jakarta (6/11) by CFCD (Corporate Forum for Community Development) together with Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs supported by National Standardization Body (BSN) based on ISO 26000 SR (SNI 26000: 2013).

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Covering 7 core subjects of business sustainability, such as Good Governance, Human Rights, Labor Practice, Fair Operating Practices, Environment, Consumer Issues and Community involvement and Development. ICA 2020 held in every 3 years. The awards received are as follows, Arutmin: 9 Platinum awards, 3 Gold awards and 1 best CDO (Community Development Officer)

award, Grand Gold award for the Best Companies. KPC: 9 Platinum awards, 2 Gold awards and 1 best Corporate Partner Community Individual award, Grand Silver award for the Best Companies.

Anang Fadhilah