Village Cash Work Intensive Must Be Right on Target

Jakarta – The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) will focus the remaining village funds for the Village Cash Workforce Program (Padat Karya Tunai Desa – PKTD).

Abdul Halim Iskandar or who is familiarly called Gus Minister said, as of November 4, 2020, the remaining Village Funds that were still available had reached IDR 34.6 trillion.

“This Rp. 34.6 trillion is planned in accordance with the use of village funds, and will be used for BLT Village Funds of Rp. 10.2 trillion,” he said at a ministerial meeting on Thursday (5/11/2020).

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He said, after deducting the Village Fund BLT, the total available budget reached Rp. 24.4 trillion. In his opinion, the remaining Rp24.4 trillion will be focused on the PKTD program.
“There are two models of PKTD, the first is the infrastructure model PKTD. Second, productive model PKTD,” he said.

He added that the available funds could only be used in two ways, namely PKTD and Self-Management.
“This is what we continue to herald, because we still find several cases in third parties, right. Although in a subtle way. So we continue to remind you not to use village funds by means of third parties,” he explained.

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However, he still allows the use of village funds through a third party, provided that they must be accompanied by the copyright office at the district level.

“Unless, the work is really very complex and it must be accompanied by the work creation agency at the district level.” he concluded.

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For information, the details of village funds that have been used as of November 4, 2020 are as follows: Covid-19 Response Village Program worth IDR 3.1 trillion, PKTD IDR 10 trillion, other infrastructure development IDR 5.1 trillion, and BLT village funds IDR 18,2 trillion.

Anang Fadhilah