To Prevent Covid-19, Purchase Fuel at Gas Stations in South Kalimantan, with Non-Cash System


Banjarmasin – Sales Area Manager for Retail Kalselteng PT Pertamina Region VI Kalimantan, Drestanto Nandhiwardhana said that his part encourages non-cash transactions at each Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) as a way of running a new normal life in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Yes, we must use non-cash transactions in every purchase of fuel (BBM), considering that it is still in a Covid-19 pandemic condition. We have to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission according to the government’s recommendation, from physical money to electronic money, “he said, during the Appreciation Giving to Gas Station Car Transporters With the Most Transactions on Ownuse Purchases Using the MyPertamina Application, at Belitung Darat Street Gas Station, Banjarmasin, Friday (25/09/2020).

In his opinion, continuously socializing non-cash BBM purchases through MyPertamina to the public. “We want the people of South Kalimantan be able to switch to providing BBM at gas stations in non-cash via electronic money at MyPertamina,” he hoped.

Now the loyalty platform that customers can use for cashless transactions is MyPertamina, and the integrated e-payment is LinkAja.

“Until now Pertamina’s customer loyalty platform is MyPertamina, and the integrated e-payment is LinkAja,” he said.

Meanwhile, Integrade Terminal Manager Banjarmasin F Moris Wungubelen ensures that the use of MyPertamina is more effective and has a social impact on general users. “If electronic money is used, it will be easy and practical,” he added.

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He admitted that currently he is focused on the MyPertamina transaction for tank cars at gas stations. “Indeed, the MyPertamina program can be enjoyed by all parties, that’s why we are encouraging tank car transporter in purchasing non-cash fuel,” he said.

In July, he continued, after reading it on MyPertamina, the incoming money was Rp. 200 million, then pushed to increase to Rp. 500 million. “So we look that there is a willingness from vehicle owner transporters to buy non-cash through MyPertamina. We really give appreciation to the tank car transporter, and 95 percent of them have used MyPertamina, ”he said

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The owner of SPBU at Belitung Darat Street, Cristin, revealed that using MyPertamina with electronic money is easier and safer than cash. “Checking through MyPertamina can also be seen quickly when filling fuel at gas stations via non-cash or electronic money,” he said.

By using MyPertamina, this beautiful women said, are offered quite a lot of programs, and are simpler and easier. “If there are obstacles, it is usually just a network,” he added.

Anang Fadhilah