Syarbani Haira: Banjar Malay Rabithah that’s Jam’iyah Finiyah wal-Hadah

BanjarmasinChairman of the Founding Board of the Banjar Malay Rabithah, HM Syarbani Haira, stated that the Banjar Malay Rabithah is an entity of social association, for religion and culture, or can be called “Diniyah wal-Hadara”.


This association is a civil society movement, involving ethnic Banjar Malays in particular, whose main grand final is increasing community empowerment, human resources, nationalism, and love for the country.


“This spirit is what underlies the establishment of this association in August 2023. God willing, March 2023 will hold its first congress,” explained Syarbani Haira, who is also known as an NU activist figure in South Kalimantan. So far, the organization is still an NGO (non-governmental organization), which was founded in 1989, the New Order era.


This explanation was specifically conveyed by a retired Lecturer at IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin for the public who often ask questions about the Rabithah Melayu Banjar institution which will present the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir H Joko Widodo, along with a number of other national figures, to hold an “Istighoyah and Joint Prayer” event at on the sidelines of the Banjar Malay Rabithah Conference, in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan, 16-18 March 2023.

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The joint prayer will later be led by a national cleric, Habib Luthfi from Pekalongan, while religious lectures will be delivered by the cleric’s idol of the people, KH Guru Asmuni, or what is known as Guru Danau.


The former journalist who completed his postgraduate studies at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta added that to this day there is no management of Rabithah Melayu Banjyu.


This institution only has a number of founding board members, such as himself from Banjarmasin as chairman, there is also a deputy chairman (Khairy Fuady), from Jakarta, Secretary General (Surya Fermana), from Jakarta, and Syaipul Adhar (Banjarmasin), as secretary.

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A number of other mu’asis were also recorded, including KH Dr Farid Wadjidy (Samarinda, East Kalimantan), KH. Dr. M Husin (Martapura), KH. Dr. Noor Fahmy (Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan), and so on.

A number of other mu’asis were also recorded, including KH Dr Farid Wadjidy (Samarinda, East Kalimantan), KH. Dr. M Husin (Martapura), KH. Dr. Noor Fahmy (Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan), and so on.


The main agenda of this rabithah is religion and culture (diniyah wa al-hadarah). As an institution that is empowering society, the Banjar Malay Rabithah can share on other practical issues, be it social, political, economic, educational, and so on.


If the narrative of the congress this time discusses the matter of national leadership, as well as obedience to leaders, including the commitment to succeed in the big national agenda for the establishment of IKN Nusantara at PPU East Kalimantan, it is because of religious teachings. “Religion orders obedience to leaders, as long as it concerns the interests of the people. President Jokowi is clear that his work is solely for the people. There is nothing else,” said the founder of the South Kalimantan NU University.

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Regarding the joint prayer that will be led by Habib Luthfi and Guru Danau, Friday 17 March 2023, which will be held at the Tabalong Regent’s Residence Complex Hall, “God willing, this will be a Blessing Friday for the Earth of Borneo. Syarbani allowed as well as invited the wider community to attend. Apart from joining in praying together for the peace of this country, we can also meet face to face with Indonesian President Ir H Joko Widodo, as well as a number of other national figures, said the 64-year-old activist.


Anang Fadhilah